Hi Folks,
After some big problems on my LT, I've taken up Geo's suggestion and begun rebuilding the asteroids into higher poly models. The old ones look to angular, here's a preview...

Still trying refine the textures as there are still some seams and stretch marks, but an overall improvement.
Quick question, do you think the higher poly count would have much of an impact?
I seem to remember having lots (and I do mean
lots) of asteroids could cause a bit of lag.
In the above pic, there's about a 360 difference in the poly counts.
Edit: 16/02/2016 Asteroid Pack 1 added. Contains astreroids 1 to 5.
As they are reworked models, they are free to use in whichever project you wish. All I ask is that you give proper credit to the Mithis team for the original models and myself for the rework in your project.
Simply unpack the file and put the .msh your /meshes/asteroids folder and the textures in the /textures/meshes folder.
I would recommend backing up the original files in a new folder incase you wish revert to the original models.