Hi all,
I'm the pulled card

I've looked into the remains of the code. Unfortunately it seems that it's not possible to correct the briefs via ini settings because of some hardcoded factors.
We were not too far-sighted at the time, and expected 4:3 screens only.
So the bad news is that you have to modify all briefing scripts one by one. You can, however, write some relatively simple parser app that converts all the necessary coordinates.
Pos, To, From, ArcPointparameters are X Y screen coordinates expressed in a
1024 x 768 reference coordinate system.
When you set a resolution different from 1024 x 768 the system scales coordinates to the new width - but always keeps the 4:3 ratio.
For e.g. setting 1920 x 1080 will result rendering the brief into a 1920 x 1440 area with the lower area cut off.
Also if you keep the original FOV (which is a veritcal fov), the original solar system cut will be concentrated into the center 4:3 area within the 16:9 screen.
Therefore to correct the brief coordinates you have to transform them
into the center 4:3 area
of the upper 16:9 part
of the 1024 x 768 reference screen.
That is
- scale both X and Y by 0.75
- shift X by 128Note that I couldn't actually test any of the above so it's theoretical until you try it out....
The briefing.gui only contains the "normal" GUI elements (the toolbar buttons) and has nothing to do with the briefing graphics itself, that is the reason it can't be helpful.
About the three FOV parameters: to be short, just ignore the last two, they're inactive in your version.
But I repeat that the above calculation is only valid if you keep the original fov.