Happy New Year all.

First a question: does CmdrKoenig's editor work for anyone? At my end, a window appears with the rotating Nexus logo top left like the game does, but after a couple seconds the window crashes. I placed the program in the main Nexus - The Jupiter Incident folder since that's where a binkw32.dll library sits.
@The Old Dragon
That's a nice offer from your boss.

I already have Earth and Mars inverted from years ago when the Mithis converter was still working though.
Don't know if its worth the effort for the other main planets of the Solar System, but Pluto/Charon, Vesta, and Ceres might be worth it if I can find good enough surface maps of those bodies.
You say you don't have a model to convert yet? How about a test if its possible to tinker with the existing main asteroids in the meshes\planets folder by creating a copy of the mesh and linking it to another texture?
It would give us more variety for those rocks to use in different star systems.
For instance, atm my adjusted sol file uses twice the mesh sol_ast_ vesta for the main asteroid belt objects Vesta and Pallas.
Making nice progress on the sol.system file. Neptune and Saturn's moons still need to be aligned with the axial tilt of their respective planets (gonna be a tough one on Saturn because of the rings), and in the end deciding where to put the limit of objects to add. There's already 8 main planets, 5 largest dwarf planets known today, 3 largest asteroids, Jupiter's Trojan asteroid 'clumps'. Thinking of adding Neptune's Trojans as well and a couple Chiron objects, while removing most of the comets since the latter seem to be comet-like anyway.
A sort of hack solution could be to split the text in two windows which so to speak play one after the other. But I don't know if the audio file needs to be split in two as well to let that work