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Author Topic: Mod help  (Read 11962 times)


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Mod help
« on: March 10, 2009, 20:39:15 »
Ok, so when I installed the mod it worked fine.  Now, everytime I start ever since this one mission was made, it says the mission was alredy defined and I can't start skrimisher anymore.  I asked around and found out I needed to change the number, but that dosen't work either.  Any help would be great.  Thanks.

Offline Arparso

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« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2009, 00:10:55 »
Just for completeness' sake, because I already answered your questions on the Steam forum:

"Mission already defined" means, that you have used the same mission number for at least two differently named missions. Uninstalling the Skirmisher won't help, because that doesn't remove the mission files you created with it. Go to your mods//universe/mod_missions folder and do one of the following:

a) delete all mission files with duplicate numbers except the one you'd like to keep. These files will be named "#_.mission" where # represents the mission number

b) open these mission files and change the first line of these files to a different number... e.g. change "MISSION 1" to "MISSION 27" ... you won't need to rename the files


The other problem with you being unable to save the changes is a completely different one. I guess you're using Windows Vista and I guess you've installed Steam and/or Nexus into the "Program Files" folder, right? Windows prohibits writing or changing files in this folder unless you have administrive rights. Simply right click on the notepad.exe and choose "Run as administrator" and it should let you save the file.

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probleme pour créer des missions
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2009, 22:17:51 »
bonjour j' ai un petit probleme voila j' ai telecharger les derniere mise a jour du mod stargate mais il ya des vaisseaux ki menque par exemple les vaisseaux ori je les ai mais seulement en les fichier que l' on obtien en faisant un clic sur le "c"a cote de la ou on clic pour choisir les vaisseaux mais quant je fais la mission le vaisseau ne pe rien faireil n a pas d' arme ni de bouclier ni de moteur... ert j' ai deja vu des video sur youtube ou on voi les vaisseaux ori se deplacer est tirer mais je ne c' est pas commment faire pour remedier a cela pouvez vous m' aider"" merci d 'avance

Offline Mularac

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« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2009, 23:21:01 »
english si vous plais ...

Offline Arparso

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« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2009, 23:39:48 »
Sorry, I have no idea what you want from me. Could you rephrase your question in English or German, because I can't speak French at all.

The Google translation unfortunately makes not a lot of sense:
Quote from: Google Translate
bonjour j 'ai un petit probleme voila I download the latest update of the stargate mod but there are vessels ki Ménquez such vessels home but I have only the files that we obtain by clicking on the "c" next to or on the click to select the vessels but as I do the mission the ship does not faireil na pe no weapon or shield or engine ... ert I have seen video on youtube or on vessels voi ori is moving but I do not draw that is not how do I fix this can you help me "" thank you d ' advance

So you are trying to create missions for the stargate mod, but your ships end up with no shield or engine or weapon?

What version of the Stargate mod are you using? I just tried it myself and had problems equipping my ships using the "C" button. It turns out, that "Stargate Mod War Begins (Beta0.68)" includes a few "empty" ship classes, which the Skirmisher doesn't like and produces errors. You can only select devices for the first few ship classes using the "C" button, but most of them won't let you equip anything.

If that's the error, you should consider installing the latest version of the Stargate mod, found here:
Stargate Mod: War Begins downloads at

It's configured for multiplayer by default, so execute the "Mod to SP.bat" file first to create your skirmish battles.

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« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2009, 17:18:55 »
I will try to reply for you guys :p

Le vaisseau Ori n'est plus implémenté car il n'est pas fini et a différents problemes, la version public 0.4 contient seulement ce qui marche et est nécessaire pour les missions. Pour pouvoir faire mumuse avec le vaisseau Ori va falloir encore attendre ;)

Mularac, the Ori ship is bugged right ? that why it is not in the latest version , 0.4PB ?
The guy asked why the ori ship had nothing when he tried to do a skirmish with it.
EDIT: ok ;)

Offline Mularac

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« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2009, 21:53:22 »
it's not bugged, but severely wip. It lacks a proper texture and some coding, but we've made some progress with it. We now have a proper effect for the main gun.