FLARELens flare.Type - 1 star + glow + blue anamorphic stripe 2 star + glow 3 as 1, but with a “burn in” effect 4 star + glow + blue anamorphic stripe+ diagonal blue stripe 5 as 1 + lens reflections (diagonal row of circles on the screen) 6 as 5 + red circle around the centre 7 as 1 + red glow 8 only glow 9 star + horizontally streched glow and circle + blue anamorphic stripe 10 as 9, but with a “burn in” effect 11 glow with “burn in” effect 12 glow with black hole insideSize - sizeColour - RGB colour, with components ranging from 0-1.ColorB – Secondary RGB colour. If denoted, this is the colour of the secondary glow around the flare, creating a colour transition.Heat, HeatB – alternative colour denotaion. Used instead of Colour. A single number decides the colour on a heat scale. 0 - black, 0.25 - red, 0.5 - yellow, 0.75 - white, 1 – blue-white, 1.25 - violet, 1.5 - black. An additional attribute of this denotation is the fade effect produced when running the effect – it will run through the scale until it reaches the denoted colour.RFactor – lense reflection strenghtThe four parameters below denote the flare´s time interval changes. With continous effects as projeectiles, these need not be filled in.Delay - delay. This is the time in seconds after which the flare is revealed.Attack - run. The flare reaches its full size and brightness after this amount of seconds.Sustain - sustainment. This is how long the flare stays at maximum size and brightness.Decay – run down. This is the time in seconds under which the flare winds down in size and brightness. In not given, it will stay constant indefinitely (until it´s switched off).PulseFactor – vibration. The effect´s size alternates between the Size and PulseFactor*Size.ShakeFactor – the camera shake factor measurment, applied when it´s close to the effect. The vibration will lessen squaredly relative to the distance.Multiply - flare multiplication. Four parameters must be given: 1. duplicate number 2. radius of position spread. 3. size randomization measurement. 4. delay randomization measurement.
SNAKEPlasma trail dragged by the effect. Will project a node at set intervals. These nodes are connected with a STRIP-like effect beam. All nodes inherit the source´s colour and size when projected, but will have an own lifetime after.If the Speed is set, than this is the speed at which nodes are projected from the effect´s actual position. If no speed is given, beams are only generated when the effect changes posiotion, with still nodes.In the case of projectiles, the beam will be projected opposite to the travel direction, and in case of engines, in the booster´s direction.Texture - the stripe´s texture 11 beam 13 smoke-ish beamTexScale – texture streching/comprimation along the beam.CrSect - if a "*" is given, then when a strip part is nearly parallel with the camera's looking direction, at the nodes of the strip smoke circles appear, rising the quality of the effect (for example when the camera goes through a ship's booster plasma). It's not worth to apply with small projectiles, because it is a resource consuming effect.Period – period time between node projection. The basic unit is 0.1 seconds.Speed – node projection speed.SRadius, ERadius – beam start and ending width in the nodes, see, NodeDecColour, ColorB, Heat, HeatB – source colour (this is the colour inherited by the nodes, see flare).Planck – alternative heat scale usage, closer to the real Planck-scale.Additive – “burn-in” effectDelay, Attack, Decay. Sustain – source colour and size change interval, see flareNodeAtt – the amount of time in seconds when the node´s reach SRadius thickness and actual source colour.NodeSus – the amount of time the node keeps the previous values.NodeDec – the time after which the source fades or rather its thickness will Eradius.
EFX # //number of effec FLARE type # //type of the flare, as seen in the above info size # //idem color # # # //bla bla ... FLARE SNAKE type # etc... SNAKEEFX