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Messages - Slezar de Fanel

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: UDK based RTT Space game
« on: January 01, 2011, 17:27:43 »
Nothing is easy when it comes to create your own game. I looked on and off for a team to join. The thing is, the engine doesnt matter that much. Most of the nowadays game engines like the UDK or Unity3D are capable of rendering beautiful scenes. I would recommend Unity3D, since it comes with a free version, and the pro version is not going to cost you 25% royalties like UDK, which seems to be rediculous. For the Freespace Engine. Even if it is Opensource and you already got something like a template i dont think it is suited for any purpose anymore. Its simply outdated and that goes for gameplay, graphics, controls and so on.

Like Aparso said, work on the Concept of the game. Especially the game mechanics are important. Create a prototype with 1 or 2 dummy models to show. We all have ideas, but its the effort and dedication that will make good people join your team.

Design Document ----> Prototype ----> Team-up

I have seen countless ppl daydreaming about making a game, but 99% never even finished the Design Document, which basically is a fleshed out version of your ideas. Anyway, i dont want to get anybody down. But being reasonable is never wrong  ;).

Ok, so now what i would like to see:
A RTT like Nexus of course. Only one difference though. A production pipeline of modding tools for creating custom content by the community. Imagine you would have a shipeditor, where you choose the models/textures, place the turrets and engines via mouse. Then just add some scripts for the ships properties and voila. New ship ready to place as ingame content. Then a campaign editor, simply place your ships. Set some targets and routes and done again.

Easy to use modding tools will keep a game alive far longer then any good looking 3d shooter.

And here we have a nice collection of ideas. Its for Homeworld 3 but in the 933 posts iam sure there will be some useful stuff and interesting read Homeworld 3 Wishlist

While looking for particles of Nexus on Google, i stumbled upon the following movie, which displays the particle system of the Battlestar Galactica Mod.
Youtube Link

Ok, since iam new to modding Nexus take this suggestion with care. I actually started thinking about this because of the comment to the video.

#By Mazryonh:
It's too bad that the particles of impacts (and also the particles of destroyed missiles) pass right through the model's polygons. Maybe the engine for N:TJI2 would fix this.

I think you can easily fix this by creating a particle/emitter that has a CONE or projection geometry instead of SPHERE projection geometry. Read Page 44 of the modding manual about emitter description for more info about it, because it also states that u can project a cone in the opposite direction of the impact direction.

For the missile explosion traveling threw the ship. Well, that is because of the e.wind statement, which allows a emitter to travel the same path as the previous effect or model it is aassigned to. I think when u delete it, the explosion will stop at the position of impact or when it gets destroyed.

Iam just downloading the mod right now, so i havent tried them, will take a look soon :). Well i just didnt like the quote that N:TJI2 would fix this, hope it was some help

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: May 15, 2010, 19:32:08 »
I take a look. But i guess alot of ppl tried it already, so i wont put too much effort in it.

Does anybody know any kind of other effect, that directly affects the hull texture? Try to remember, was there some special kind of moment in the games story, that used some wooohooo effect on a ship? anything would be useful  :D

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: May 15, 2010, 08:22:50 »
Basically i want to cast multiple textures above each other onto the hull when it gets hit by sth big. Some of texture-effects need to be glowing like sth is burning. I guess i need to try out all of the 300 fx entries to know, which one it is....... Basically it should be the first 5 since they are specifically for the hull. But they seem to be more like explosions rather then the dirty damage map. Ahhh, maybe tommorow....

Mod Development / Released Mods / Custom effect links
« on: May 15, 2010, 07:14:21 »
ok, i did all the unpacking, converted the files. But now i have a problem.

1.) I want to create a custom hull damage effect. Similar to the one in BridgeCommander. So i located the damage.tex texture, altered it by size and color. Worked fine. But now my problem. Unlike the mesh and soundfiles, i cant find the script for this damage texture. Does anyone know, where the path for the textures of FX stuff are written down? The meshes contain the links for the textures and the tacticstypes.ini contains the paths to the meshs, but how about the effects? Where are the paths to the textures of FX stuff stored?

Edit: i found one single custom effect link in the mod folder
Code: [Select]
NexusmodsSAMPLE 02  Everything Changeuniverseenginemod_ani.inicontains the following single line, wich is the path to the texture "photon.TEX" found in the modding texture folder
Code: [Select]
Ani 40 "fxphoton" #BL_COLOR #APM_ONCE 16 4 4so can anybody point me in the direction of the file, that contains the rest of the effect links?

2.) Do the other nexus_##.DAT files store sth? Is there a way to unpack them? Except nexus_00.DAT and nexus_00.DAP i failed to unpack them.

Thx in advance

General Discussion / Retrieving information for the wiki
« on: May 14, 2010, 02:25:11 »
Well, i have registered to this site just yesterday and took a look at the info for modding available in general. Uhm, i was rather dissappointed about the results. There is not much info available anymore..... So i took a look and found the following.

i used it in the past, when some boards got closed because of issues between modders and developers and i wanted to get that information from the board, even it was shut down. So i entered the old nexus site. And Wow, it is still on the web. So we got all the info of 4 or 5 years modding still there. The bad thing..... its a mess, 20000 pages to look threw, many multiple entries and so on. First i attempted to try and print them to pdfs.... well, after 5 hours iam at entry 1000....... so check out this one

A small taste

so what i thought of is, trying to get the links for modification forum index page 1-end and then look threw it for useful posts and find this links to. Man, i guess u gonna tip ur finger against ur head, but it would be alot easier to have 20 people look threw it then 1  ;(
So what are u guys thinking?

of course, most of the links are broken, but they are there, waiting.... for me... i mean us  ^^

ok, some info i found, by far not all of it, but i reached 10000, the other half i do tommorow...maybe....

 secrets of the tactictypes.ini
someone working on the msh file format
some links to turorials (of coz archived too)

uhhh, well, the info i just posted i found somewhere else too..... ehhh, i guess no need to do that tidy work anyway. uhhh man, now iam sad  ;( . Too bad u guys are spread among several boards :(

General Gaming /
« on: May 13, 2010, 17:28:40 »
Uhm, my first post. So hello everyone  :D .

About X321, looks nice so far... But not much to see, and it looks like there is not much momentum to keep the thing running. On the other side, they seem to fully focus on the Space Sim side. No planet landing features, no boarding ships etc. Have seen many mods that went quickly under the radar because of too many features. So i wait and see. Hopefully they pull it of. The genre is really in need of some good games. Not that i dont like X3 or Eve, but i miss the good old days where i just took out my joystick (the plastic one) and have some multiplayer fun with my old clan in freespace 2 climbing up the ladder.... Not to mention the storyline behind the game and that you are just a small sausage jumping out of the hot pan right into the fire. Game was just great....

Well, looks like a awkward introduction, but jeah  :thumbsup:

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