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Messages - Nahdar

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Campaign changes - Need Help
« on: November 26, 2012, 17:11:20 »
YES! it works,

Big thank you :D

Just one thing left to be perfekt now. Do you know how i can unlock the locked slots of the brutus and sparta? I can't find it in there ...

General Discussion / Re: Campaign changes - Need Help
« on: November 26, 2012, 16:32:45 »
How can i save my changes?

I extract the complete nexus_00.dat in a desktop file, but if i understand it right, I have to recomprimize the nexus_00.dat file again after i did my changes? How can i do that, did not find it in the readme.

General Discussion / Re: Campaign changes - Need Help
« on: November 25, 2012, 18:09:21 »
Thank you for you fast answer!

But i do not found a main file of nexus is no "universe"
I've got just "mod_tools" "mod" and "save" the rest are exe. and .dat files

General Discussion / Campaign changes - Need Help
« on: November 25, 2012, 11:21:20 »
Hello folks,

I rediscoverd Nexus TJJ a few days ago and i still love it :)
I tried to succesfully end the campaign on professional, which is nearly impossibil.

So I wanna change my ressouce point amount and unlock all devices and weapons from the start.
I googled and found this:

But i still do not understand WHERE I can change the ressouces point and WHERE I controll WHEN every Device or Weapon is avialabe in the Nexus Tactics Excel file.
And at least I have to know where the tactics.ini file is, i readed a lot about but i still do not find it.
And of course if there is a another (easier ;)) way to achive what i want, maybe with the tactics.ini file...
I would apprciate any Help :D


Multiplayer / Re: Nexus Hub (Hamachi for 256 players)
« on: October 07, 2011, 23:19:00 »
Hello, Community,

Can anybody help me to join a onlinegame ?
I have download hamachi and joined the "nexus hub" but ingame:
Nexus only try toconect me with the "masterserver"

General Discussion / Re: NEXUS Skirmisher rewrite
« on: August 31, 2011, 00:38:02 »
this question interessint me too :)

General Discussion / Re: Nexus Launcher beta - need feedback
« on: August 29, 2011, 16:04:12 »

This is another path.

Then i go the first path (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mithis\Nexus - The Jupiter Incident)

i land here:

So i follow you description and The value is change in the regedit. But if i start the game after this. The resolution ist in the lowest value.

When i change the value ingame and i closed nexus the regedit valu had change too, but after starting ther game again ... nothing have change with the resolution ...

You have do much more if you must. I really big thanks too you.
A last Question: Can you speak german ?

General Discussion / Re: Nexus Launcher beta - need feedback
« on: August 29, 2011, 13:11:11 »
:( ... it dont work

no change, the same like the picture up

General Discussion / Re: Nexus Launcher beta - need feedback
« on: August 29, 2011, 07:49:26 »
have you the steam version ?

Help / Technical Support / Re: Resolution don't work on 1900x1200
« on: August 28, 2011, 23:23:39 »
This is really shit. Damn Steam, always it destroy al hope to use mods ... :/

Not even reinstall help to let the game chnage the resolution. And the possibilty with the regedit dont work and the launcher is ... not able to use for me ... :/

crap ...

General Discussion / Re: Nexus Launcher beta - need feedback
« on: August 28, 2011, 16:37:47 »

OS: 6.1.7601.65536 (64-bit)
UAC: off
HKLM: <not found>
HKLM\Wow64: c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\nexus the jupiter incident\
HKCU: <not found>
HKCU\Wow64: c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\nexus the jupiter incident\

I'am not shore, but perhaps i must copy the launcher exe in any directionary ?

And i must say: a big big thanks to you, you always help by problems :D

General Discussion / Re: Nexus Launcher beta - need feedback
« on: August 28, 2011, 15:55:27 »
Hemm ...

I have big problems to use the Launcher. If i startet the exe. i see this:

I had download the update Version. But it doesn't work. I have the Steam version and windows 7 64bit

Please help!

Mfg Nahdar

Help / Technical Support / Re: Resolution don't work on 1900x1200
« on: August 28, 2011, 14:57:56 »
thanks for the quick answer!

But the description you have write is right. I did all so like you said. It doesn't work.

The Launcher heard good. But i have steam and then i install the launcher he said, i havent install nexus ...

Mfg Nahdar

Help / Technical Support / Resolution don't work on 1900x1200
« on: August 28, 2011, 13:45:58 »
Hi at all,

At first: I read the Guide in the topic, but it doesn't help. I'd used the regedit and the right way.
(my system windows 7 64bit) so i change the width und the high to 1900 and 1200 (on dezimal!) ...

And ... it doesn't work  :-\
Ingame the Options like to ignore my changes on the resolution before and after the using of the regedit.

Please help me  :)

Mfg Nahdar

General Discussion / Re: A few questions ...
« on: February 27, 2011, 22:26:51 »
Oh yes, it works, Thanks!

At last missing the possibility the add fighters and bombers, then it is perfect ;)

And a second big, big thanks :)

General Discussion / Re: A few questions ...
« on: February 27, 2011, 18:55:54 »
Sorry for Google translate, i try without ;)

I mean the first you say. In the Singleplayer Modus of skirmish i can't equiep gord and NDF ships with Weapengenerators ... there are only the "bsgen" means fusiongenerators. And there are not so many sluts like in the MP Modus of the skirmish?

Edit: I had look again, only by the battleships, the Battlestations, all ghost- and vadragsships have (in the SP settings) have no possibility the install a weapongenerator ...

General Discussion / A few questions ...
« on: February 26, 2011, 14:53:21 »
Hello everybody,

At first a big, big thank you to arparso for this awesome tool. Nexus is an old game but still one of the best that I know.

My Questions: I think I have understood the basic system of Skirmischer what I do But it has long been a headache when I use the settings the single player, not the way I set the ship completely. It lacks the single most important object, the weapons generators. Is there a way to change the single-player ship so I can add my request already loaded weapons without the bombers and fighters to delete it?

I hope this is possible, if not. Maybe Arparso thinking about a new version of the Skirmisher?

Sorry for my bad english, i used the Google Translator ...

Pages: [1]