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Messages - Dark-Zero

Pages: [1] 2
Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: August 16, 2010, 20:44:54 »
Thanks alot for the tips

General Discussion /
« on: August 03, 2010, 07:08:20 »

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: August 03, 2010, 07:07:21 »
Dependins on what "Animation part" your talkign about. The weapon itself stay the same, it will use the siege laser model. the Effec o f the shot, im working on that, i know how to change color, size, lentgh etc. But i wouldn't go and try to make a weapon effect from scratch right away. But its gonna be similar lookign to the energy torpedo, that is why i use it as template.

really, the most problem i figure to have is putting a sounds that works as a charge up sounds and the the weapon fire is released,

ALso if it spossible, Since the weapons use 3 effect, the start, the trail and the hit (or landing)  Is it possible to make the start have a charge up effect? (To see the energy build up at the tip of the gun befor the release?)

Mod Development / Released Mods / Siege Laser Variant
« on: August 01, 2010, 22:31:59 »
I'm gonna start working on a Cannon, that works in the emplacement of the seige laser, the goal of this cannon is to make it similar to something like, either the Wave motion gun of the yamato,from the Space battleship yamato anime series (Or starblazers in english) Or the Arch-angels, Positron blaster( From gundam seed).

Now first off im going to use the Energy torpedo as a base, those cannon are not lasers but rather a giant shot, Going to give it a size(or at least try) slightly smalar than the ship firing from, Attempt at making the trail effect to the shot long enough to make it seem like a laser afterward. and then on the impact make it similar to an energy bomb explosion, Maybe use the crisis stat on the weapon and experiment with it. Il also give it a long charge time, and a high energy drain, as if the only way to max the charge speed will be to deactivate other weapons, shields and engine all together. (Oviously the AI will be to dumb to do that, but meh, its not an Ai weapon ;P)

Also, i remember seeign a vid, i think from Arparso, about one of his mod, or ship, having a charging sound that lasted a few second befor the actual fire, THat is somehting i wnana to do, but am clueless how at the moment. so if any care to give a hand with that :)

If anyone have suggestion in how to do things, especially in terms of the "how to give lenght to the shots trail. id be gratful :D

PS: Reference vids aboutt h wave motion gun :link remvoed due to problems
   and the Lohengrin at 1:45 min:  Lohengrin

Game Assets /
« on: June 09, 2010, 16:27:02 »
oh bummer....worth asking XD

Game Assets /
« on: June 09, 2010, 08:32:21 »
hey, i got a question, can a .3D file be converted into the MSH file that nexus uses (or whatever uses0?

im kinda wya too impatient to learn modeling out of nothing (i need to have someone enx to me to teach me basics XD) and i was wondering, since the ships i wante dot put ingame is alreayd modele din a .3D file, can it be converted and worked for to put in nexus?

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: October 29, 2009, 02:42:05 »
If i am not wrong, The ships all have its on SEts, and a weapon matching its sets can Be fitted on this weapon slot,
Take as, Stuff like Data scanner, Blinder, ETC have a special set that only cna be mounted on, Same goes for heavy weapons, and the Sig laser

If a ship does not have  the slot Number matching a Weapon Sets number, then it cannot be loaded on this ship,
An example would be the Sig laser, only 2 Ships have the Matching Slot for that weapon, you can guess wich

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: October 24, 2009, 22:50:20 »
well dam, i didn;t tought it would be this comlicated, sounds like trouble for nothing
guess il do it the otherway

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: October 24, 2009, 19:51:33 »
Hm, now what i trying to do is Make an Exact copy of the Seige laser, and mount it on a station, As well as make it rotate, and without the need of a formation,

The only problem i came across is, THe laser fire comes from inside the station very middle, and you don't see the cannon's model, everythign else works fine
I simply changed one of the sets of the station to the seige laser set, Anyone knows how to make the Laser Appears on the stations, liek any other weapon?

PS: thansk for the Engine , i gave up on my homing Laser idea, but it still could be useful

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: August 24, 2009, 00:48:17 »
i can make an engine, thing is i don't know how to assign it to the missile

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: August 23, 2009, 19:52:47 »
the missles still uses an engine, and that engine EFX can be changed
thing is if i modifie its engine, i beleive i also modifie the fighter's engines, if they all uses the boat engine that is

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: August 23, 2009, 18:23:43 »
Thank you for the burst fire

I was affraid of that, i still tried because the actually graphical is NOT a straight line "noticable when fighting small ship" so i just tried my luck, unfortunatly, i never created a mesh, don't know how,and probably don't got wha tit takes to creat one, so il have to put that aside,Unless i jus ttry to use the Energy torpedo efx on the actuall missle,
Basicly, i don't care what the missle looks like right now, i just want it to travel like a missle and have a green line following in like the Energy torp
as for cooldown, i don't know why i asked that, guess i was brain dead

Mod Development / Released Mods / Idea list
« on: August 23, 2009, 00:09:08 »
I have 2 Question

1- Is it possible to make a certain weapon fire in a 3 shot or more burst mode

2- Knowing The missle flight, It gets out of its launcher in a direction sometime opposed to the target then head toward it, is there a way you can make another weapon do the same?

Im tryign to use the Energy torpedo and make them some sort of laser missle launcher, I bet some of you must have watched any kind of space battle where missles pop out 1 after 1, emptying every tubes befor reloading, and see thsoe missles go in every direction aorund the ship and then after head toward the targetXD

Oh and come to think of it, A cooldown for a weapon, like, using a massive firepower weapon, but has a cooldown , so unable to be reused during that time  (Changed the Sig laser into a frontal all purpose Laser cannon)

Game Assets / Ship model?
« on: May 27, 2009, 04:19:04 »
Question, can anyone Make a custom Ship and effect around here?

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: May 16, 2009, 21:18:12 »
i dont want to get rid of the escape pods, i want the ship explode when it reach its 40%, without needing to entirly blow the ship down

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: May 16, 2009, 02:30:14 »
Ok maybe i shoudl rephrase,(readingmit myself and i dont get it XD)
i know how to change how much time it will take with little exlosions befor the grand boom

but what i want to do is

Instead of going Evac first, It goes into the explosion phases (Check the Mission HWere You go up agasitn MEcha at earth, lots of ship there, notice none of them goes in evac, they just explode after the 40% health left)

Mod Development / Released Mods / Ships Death
« on: May 15, 2009, 20:34:14 »
The ships susually goes on Evac and thus unusable. I know how to change the ammount of health left befor it does Evac, but i want to know
How do we make the ship goes into its explosion phase as soon as the ship goes Evac (more to say skip evac, go directly boom)

Multiplayer /
« on: May 14, 2009, 01:19:13 »
like i said, either the name you gave me is wrong or its simply not up anymore..

Multiplayer /
« on: May 13, 2009, 03:19:56 »

Multiplayer /
« on: May 12, 2009, 21:49:16 »
check the name, it said it dont exist to me

Multiplayer / Hamachi
« on: May 12, 2009, 00:48:54 »
Well, Might aswell make something up, a Server dedicated for playing/testing/modding all in a firendly and helpful area
come and join
Netwrok: Nexus Global
Pass: Chat

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: May 07, 2009, 00:56:21 »
Ok, seems the problem got self fixed somehow, i only removed the max hull damage and it started working for some reason :/

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: May 05, 2009, 01:46:41 »
i never touched anythign in the baschance itself, affria dof screwing things up, but its already the case it seems XD
i tried the hitchancecat of the torp, of the plasma gun none of them works, only its original

EDIT: i tough ti should post my currently modified Energy torp , maybe you c an tell me if somethign is wrong
Code: [Select]
Name "weap_eTorp"
Mesh "earthdevicesgun_energiabombaveto"
Category 1
Civilization 0
Sets 3 30 100 32 116 ;
Purpose 1 2 ;
HitChanceCat 19
Substance 1
Charge 16
EnergyIn 480
PenetrateShield 1
DamageShield 400
DamageHull 900
        MaxHullDam 5
Detected 60
Scanned 130
HPmax 1800
RepairHP 11
Start 2 0 196 1
Travel 2 5000 197 1
End 1 0 198 1
MPValue 7
Info_Category "info_wcat_ashld"
Info_Damage 6
Info_RateOfFire 3
Info_Precision 1

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: May 04, 2009, 19:58:38 »
Oh, well when i changed it to hitchancecat 4, none my ships or the Ai woudl fire them, even manually, it locks the targets, charges but never fire
il try again, just to check, i doupt it has to do witht he other mod i mad ein them

basicly, what i wanted to do with them, is having them just like normal torps, except without the sheild penetration, a universal weapon, im thinking of leaving the range thou, il maybe just rye change the accuray. that is if i can understand all this clearly

So i changed the damage, energy charge and input and they work, but whenever the hitchancecat changes it does not

Mod Development / Released Mods / Weapon's Range and Accuracy
« on: May 04, 2009, 04:34:37 »
Ok, so heres the deal, I wanted to change the actual Energy torp, into a normal torp variant without the sheil penetration, damage both hull and shield,But here are the 2 things i cannot find out

How to change the actual weapon range
Its hit accuracy
For the range, i got nothing
But for the accuracy, as i read the manual this is waht i get
Code: [Select]
> HitChanceCat
The hit accuracy of the weapon, see the BaseHitChance chart.
witch led me to this
Code: [Select]
> #
The serial number of the hit accuracy.
‘targettype’: this can be the TargetType of a shipclass
’range’: 2: combat; 3: artillery, 4:bomber
The hit chances of the weapon under normal circumstances for the given distance. If it does not have hit chances against the certain shipclass on certain range, than the weapon will not fire. All weapons have 100% hit chances against ships that’s engine is turned off, or don’t have an engine at all.

the actual hitchancecat of the Etorp is 19, and if i wanted to mimic the eshell hitchcancecat, wich is 4, the weapons do not fires
Any help?

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