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Topics - Arparso

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Modding Tools / [Tool] Model Converter
« on: December 29, 2010, 02:10:51 »
Ok, this one is kind of a hackjob. This little converter converts Nexus .msh models to .obj files, which you should be able to import in most 3d content creation apps such as Lightwave, Blender, 3D Studio, etc.

- command-line utility
- converts (most) .msh models to Wavefront's obj-format
- also generates a corresponding .mtl file with material and texture definitions
- can convert multiple models at once (just drag and drop multiple files or folders)

- .NET Framework 4 (Client Profile)

How to use:
- extract the MeshConv.exe somewhere and drag some files or folders onto it using Windows Explorer (or similar programs)
- the converter will create a subfolder "meshes" storing all converted model files
- it'll scan subfolders and preserve the folder structure
- you can also use it as a strict command line tool, just enter "MeshConv <path> [-o <outputFolder>]"

- doesn't convert textures, use my Texture Converter for that and place them in an "images"-subfolder next to your converted models
- only converts the highest detail level of the model and ignores less-detailed LOD phases
- doesn't convert animations, obj-files don't support animations
- might also generate some additional polygons, because obj-files don't support instancing
- doesn't convert weapon hardpoints, engine thrusters, position lights, etc - only the 3d model is converted

Nexus itself includes two models in a slightly different file format I didn't research yet, so these can't be converted. They are:
  • alien_locustfood (MESH1999E format)
  • earth_night (MESH1999H format)
All other models, including those generated by the mod tools, are in MESH1999J format and should be convertable, with a few exceptions:
  • raptor_wreck01
  • raptor_wreck02
  • raptor_wreck04
  • alien_w_kicsi_15
These generate an error during the conversion (will be skipped automatically). Also some models from the Stargate mod produced the same kind of error during tests. I'm not sure about the cause yet - likely something I don't yet fully understand about the file format, because Nexus handles these models just fine. Might fix this issue later, if I find a permanent fix.

The obj-format also doesn't support normal, specularity or luminosity maps, so you have to change that in your favourite 3d application and save it in a more advanced format, if you want these maps to be rendered. There's some quick info about how to extract these maps from the converted textures in the Texture Converter thread, so go there for more info.

Download Model Converter

General Discussion / What OS you're playing Nexus on?
« on: December 23, 2010, 03:28:16 »
Just out of curiosity and to get an overview: what operating system are you playing Nexus on?

For me, it's Windows 7 64-Bit :)

General Discussion / Forum software upgrade
« on: December 02, 2010, 17:55:49 »
I just switched to a different forum software package, because the old one had some serious limitations (no private messages, for example). While this forum hasn't got THAT many members, I didn't really feel comfortable sticking with the old board anymore, when there are so many better alternatives out there. Hopefully, you'll find the new board even better, faster and easier to use than the old one. I sure do. :)

Of coure I tried to make sure to carry over most if not all of the relevant content including all boards, topics, posts, member profiles, attachments, etc. ... sadly some minor profile info such as gender didn't carry over, but each member should be able to quickly rectify that situation for him- or herself.

If you encounter any bugs or strange behaviour while getting accustomed to the new forum, please feel free to contact me or open a thread describing your issues.

If your first login attempt after the switch fails, just retry - the second and each successive attempt should work (it did so for all my tests). If it really doesn't work, you can always request a new password, which will definitely work 100%. This issue only affects older user profiles registered before the software switch - if you register a new profile, everything will be fine.

Scripting / Working around the ship limit finally possible?
« on: December 02, 2010, 02:23:49 »
Thanks to Mularac's question about making wrecked ships appear in a mission I may have stumbled upon something awesome:
  • If you create a new ship with CreateShip(), it'll count against the ship limit
  • It'll still count, if you set the behaviour to 4 afterwards, making it an "asteroid" from the game's perspective
  • It'll not count anymore, if you make it leave the scene by calling Disappear() on it
  • It'll still not count, if you make it reappear later or immedeately by calling Appear() on it (it'll still behave like an asteroid/wreck, though)
  • And now the magic: It'll still not count, if you set its behaviour back to 0, to make it usable as a ship again
I just created around 50 Fenris-class cruisers and successfully ordered all of them to move somewhere - worked like a charm, although the performance wasn't all that great... but that's not the point. Using that trick we could finally be able to make missions involving much more than just the standard 20-something ships until the game crashes.

Really wonderful for something like my experimental warfare mini-mod, where by using that technique you could "build" truly massive fleets in-game without making the game crash so soon. :)

I obviously haven't done a lot of testing, though. The game may bug out in certain situations with this many ships present - only prolonged testing will tell, if it's really a viable path to take. In any case, here's a quick code snippet to spawn a ship that way:

Code: [Select]
RULE event Cheat1
// calculate random spawn position and spawn ship
E.newShipPosition := VMul(Rnd() * 3000, VRandomDir());
E.newShip := CreateShip(#styp_gtc_fenris, #race_player, "DynamicShip");
PutShip(E.newShip, E.newShipPosition, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// make ship visible to player
FreezeReconState(E.newShip, 1);

// make ship behave like an asteroid, disappear/appear and return back to normal
E.newShip:behaviour := 4;
E.disappearedShip := Disappear(E.newShip);
E.newShip:behaviour := 0;

// debug stuff - print the number of spawned ships in console
count := count + 1;
Debug("created ship", count);

Modding Tools / [Tool] DatXtract
« on: September 28, 2010, 17:41:28 »
Tired of command-line utilities? Fear not, because now there's also a visual tool for viewing and extracting Nexus' .dat and .dap archives.

- reads Nexus' .dat and .dap archives
- allows the user to browse through the archive
- extracts individual folders, files or the whole archive to a folder of your choice
- double-clicking on a file temporarily extracts and opens that file immediately (if you have an application associated with that file type)

- .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (Web Installer)

How to use:
- extract "DatXtract.exe" anywhere you please and start the tool by double-clicking on it
- open a Nexus .dat or .dap archive by clicking on the "Open archive" button
- browse to subfolders by double-clicking on a folder in the folder list
- to extract a file or folder, select one or more files or folders in the list and click the "Extract selected" button (you'll be asked for a target folder)

- doesn't open nexus_01.dat, nexus_02.dat, etc. ... those are encrypted cutscenes and thus in a different format than the regular archives
- doesn't allow modification or creation of archives

Bug reports:
DatXtract was a quick effort and may contain some errors and bugs. If anything doesn't seem to work right, please report back here and I'll try to address those issues.

Scripting / Measuring time?
« on: September 22, 2010, 14:25:09 »
Anyone stumbled upon a reliable way to measure game time? Specifically, I need to know how much time has passed since the last frame or, alternatively, calculate the current fps and take my average frame time based on that. With a low enough tick setting, I can count the frames alright, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get the current time - and without knowing the time I only have a frame count, not a frame-per-unit-of-time value.

Mod Development / Released Mods / Limiting weapon ranges
« on: August 11, 2010, 20:25:38 »
Oh-kay... I'm currently trying to balance fighter combat, but got a pretty annoying problem: I can't properly restrict the fighting range for my fighter-vs-fighter weaponry.

It's a regular anti-fighter weapon, purpose 5, projectile-based (no laser) and installed into the fighters' flak slot:

Code: [Select]
    Name "weap_subach_hl7"
    Category 1
    Civilization 1
    Sets 7 30 39 ;
    Purpose 5 ;
    HitChanceCat 9
    AutoDistance 1800
    Substance 3
    Charge 1
    EnergyIn 4
    PenetrateShield 0
    DamageHull 27
    DamageShield 21
    DamageDevice 9
    Scanned 100
    HPmax 100000
    RepairHP 16
    Start 2 0 100 1
    Travel 2 450 101 1
    End 1 0 102 1
    CannonMaxFireAng 25

Problem is, they attack from 5km distance... which looks totally ridiculous...
AutoDistance supposedly limits firing distance on automatic weapons (like flak lasers in vanilla Nexus) and it works somewhat - when not being given a direct attack order on an enemy squadron, the fighter only starts firing when a viable target enters his AutoDistance-range. That's what I actually want. But if the player gives a "attack this enemy squadron"-order, the fighter starts firing from as much as 5km distance (Nexus' default close-combat range).

Changing the weapon to a continious laser beam fixes that, as you can limit the laser's range in the Travel-property of the DEVICETYPE, but Freespace has no frakking laser beams for fighters - I need a projectile-based weapon and limit its range.

Even worse... the exact same thing works perfectly fine for attacking capital ships, with a Purpose of 2. But I can't attack fighters with a Purpose-2-weapon...

General Gaming / Recommended: Edge of Chaos: Indepence War 2
« on: July 26, 2010, 17:39:17 »
If you love SciFi and Space-Sims as much as me and always wanted to have a more realistic flying experience than what's being offered by the likes of FreeSpace or Wing Commander, then look no further: do yourself a treat and go buy "Edge of Chaos" at Good Old Games ( for just $5.99, if you don't own it already. It's an open-world, story-driven space-sim featuring true Newtonion physics and realistically sized, freely explorable solar systems complete with an abundance of space stations and intergalactic merchants just waiting to be stripped of their valuable cargo.

It really is something special and definitely not your run-of-the-mill action-game.

Short gameplay video

Heck, if you're at it, just get the predecessor, too. There's no open world to explore there, but story and missions are excellently designed and you'll truly feel like the commander of an actual corvette-size vessel (if you overcome the obviously dated graphics, of course). It's also available at Good Old Games including the expansion pack for the same $5.99.

Ahhh, good old times... :)

General Discussion / Humbly asking for your support
« on: April 08, 2010, 22:12:06 »
I really don't want to bother any of you, but I wouldn't ask, if I didn't had to.

Running this site and the Nexus Wiki costs money, which I really don't have much lying around currently. If you've used the Skirmisher in the past and have found it useful or if you've found your stay in this forum or over at the Nexus Wiki site helpful or just a nice place to be, please consider making a small donation to help me keep this running and allow me to continue spending my free time on contributing to the Nexus community. It doesn't have to be much, but please give it a short moment to think about.

Donations will be accepted through PayPal, so if you want to show your support, please head to this site's front page:
Nexus Skirmisher Homepage

I've run into a problem, where I can't convert the model into Nexus' msh format. The converter gives me the following error:

Code: [Select]
Access violation at address 10006FF4 in module 'lwolib.dll'. Read of address 00000000
Does anyone have an idea?

PS: I also can't view it using Nexus' model viewer.

Modding Tools / [Tool] Tacticstypes.ini spreadsheet for OpenOffice
« on: February 22, 2010, 08:30:46 »
Editing the tacticstypes.ini to insert new or modify existing ships and devices can get quite cumbersome, if you're creating a whole mod from scratch. The mod tools actually include an Excel spreadsheet, which is supposed to automate tacticstypes.ini-creation using a macro, but if you're using OpenOffice, that won't work at all.

So I wrote my own version of this script and spreadsheet being compatible to Calc. That enables me to have a much better overview over all my shipclasses and devicetypes, making changes to all of them much easier while not having to manually code my own tacticstypes.ini. Maybe it'll prove useful to other modders as well, so I'm sharing it here with you.

Usage instructions:
  • extract the tacticstypes.ods file to your mod directory into the _work\tables-subfolder and make a backup of your original tacticstypes.ini (!)
  • make your changes to the spreadsheet inserting your own shipclasses, devicetypes, shiptypes, etc.
  • save it
  • run the "Main" macro in tacticstypes.ods->Standard->ExportToIni
  • repeat steps 2 - 4 until you're happy with your tacticstypes.ini
Important! The included macro script WILL override your original tacticstypes.ini, so don't forget to make a backup in case things don't work out! Don't blame me, if you lose your stuff, I've warned you!

I've also included a spreadsheet for Nexus' singleplayer tacticstypes.ini as an example. It's more or less a direct copy of Nexus' Excel spreadsheet with my modified macro script attached.

I'd suggesst adding the macro to your toolbar or assigning it a hotkey to avoid having to go through the macro submenu each time.

Scripting / Code Snippet: "Screenshot mode"
« on: February 14, 2010, 22:16:34 »
Taking great screenshots in Nexus (maybe to promote your mod!?) is kinda hard, since there's no good way to remove the GUI... if you hide the GUI using GuiSelect(0), you lose camera control and the game can't be paused anymore, so I needed a workaround:

Code: [Select]
// "Screenshot mode" (press CTRL+7 to remove GUI für 2 seconds)

RULE event Cheat7
Timer(RestoreGuiAndMotion, 0.2, 0);

RULE event RestoreGuiAndMotion

This only works in the editor, so don't even try it in the regular game. If you press CTRL+7 during gameplay, the GUI gets hidden and the game enters slow-motion mode, but only for two seconds. After that it returns to normal gameplay. So to get a great shot I wait for a good opportunity or arrange a screenshot-worthy scene myself, then pause the game to find a good camera position and press CTRL+7, when I'm ready to take the shot.

Might be handy for other modders so feel free to use this snippet (or modify it further to meet your individual needs). ;)

Mod Development / Released Mods / Flak turrets
« on: February 05, 2010, 11:07:49 »
Anyone succeeded in making moving flak turrets? I mean turrets rotating and moving to follow their target's movement. Flak turrets are placed somewhat differently on the mesh in Lightwave than regular turrets, which forbid the use of regular turret meshes, since they wouldn't be positioned correctly. I've run into some problems trying to create specific flak turret meshes, that look and behave like regular moving turrets...

General Gaming / Mass Effect 2
« on: January 30, 2010, 00:40:10 »
The reason for the current lack of updates on "Freespace: Evolution" ;)

Useful links:
Mass Effect Saves
- database with Mass Effect savegames to be imported in Mass Effect 2 ... if you don't have a proper savegame ready (and you don't like the decisions the default Shepard made). You can still change the appearance and class afterwards, but not the character's name.

Mass Effect 2 Faces
- database with user-created faces and their "creation code" ... just copy this code into the proper field during character creation in Mass Effect 2

I could go on saying how great the game is, but just get it and see for yourself. If you're a fan of great sci-fi, you don't want to pass this one up. ;)

Scripting / camera position / sprite size
« on: January 25, 2010, 20:48:53 »
I'm currently thinking about a way to improve the visibilty of fighters when being zoomed out with displaying some sort of an icon on top of them (not unlike Supreme Commander, for example). The problem, however, is the icon getting smaller as well, if the player zooms out,.. so I'd either need a sort of sprite or effect, that'll never change its size on-screen, completely disregarding the current zoom level... or to dynamically adjust the icon's size depending on the distance from the fighter position to the camera's position - but there doesn't seem to be any way to get the camera position.

Guess it's just not possible then, but maybe someone else has an idea, that could help.

Scripting / GetDockPoint not working?
« on: January 24, 2010, 16:50:53 »
Does this actually work for anyone? The syntax is supposedly:

Code: [Select]
GetDockPoint(ship, index, outer);
However, the game insists I'm givin an invalid dockpoint index, although I'm pretty sure it's the right one (since I receive that index from a docking boat with E.ship:dockpoint).

Any idea how to get the coordinates for a docking point then?

Mod Development / Released Mods / Fighter not using all turrets?
« on: January 23, 2010, 12:53:47 »
Okay, I've got a strange problem with my fighters. My Hercules fighters have 6 front turrets, each with a weapon mounted. For reasons unknown, however, they only shoot with 5 of them. I already checked the weapon slots in the model file - those are just fine. I also tried only giving them two weapons resulting in them firing only one of them! After a few more tests it seems they always fire with one weapon less than they actually could. If they have 5, they fire with 4... if the have 3, they fire with 2. Only if they've only got a single weapon, they'll disobey this "rule".

Ideas, anyone?

Modding Tools / [Tool] Texture Converter
« on: January 19, 2010, 19:34:01 »
Since there's none readily available, I made a simple texture converter for converting Nexus' .tex files to .tga format. It's only a one-way converter, so in order to get the modified or replaced textures back into the game, just use the game's standard texture converter for that.

- should be able to read all .tex files without errors
- outputs to 24-bit .tga or 32-bit .tga files, depending on if there is an alpha channel or not

- .NET Framework 3.5

How to use:
- extract the NexTexC.exe somewhere and drag some files or folders onto it using Windows Explorer (or similar programs)
- the converter will create a subfolder "textures" storing all converted texture files
- it'll scan subfolders and preserve the folder structure
- you can also use it as a strict command line tool, just enter "NexTexC <path>"
- patience, it may take a few minutes, if you're trying to convert all textures at once

The standard Nexus texture converter changes the input textures somewhat... bump maps will be transformed into normal maps, luminosity maps will be inversed and stored in the color map's alpha channel, specular maps will be stored in the normal map's alpha channel, etc.
This converter won't reverse these changes, so before converting modified textures back into Nexus' format, you'll need to get them prepared for that.

Download Texture Converter

I just HAD to try... :D

Mod Development / Released Mods / Freespace
« on: January 14, 2010, 11:21:15 »
I suppose I'm not the only fan of the sadly discontinued Freespace games around here, am I? So why are there no Freespace mods for Nexus? :P

This is what I came up with after a few hours trying to convert a Freespace 2 ship to Nexus. It still needs polish and proper turret/device/engine placement as well as Freespace-style weapon and engine effects, etc ... but still - it COULD be done.

Just out of curiosity: what would you personally change about Nexus, if you had the chance? That includes adding features, changing gameplay aspects or anything else you could think of... :)

Off-Topic / Merry Christmas
« on: December 24, 2009, 11:16:48 »
Merry christmas, guys :)

Help / Technical Support / [GUIDE] Widescreen support
« on: December 12, 2009, 11:21:41 »
Custom widescreen resolution

After having bought a brand-new widescreen monitor, I wanted to check out Nexus in FullHD, of course. Sadly, the game is rather restrictive with its selectable resolutions, but there is a simple hack to allow custom resolutions. Nexus stores its display settings in the Windows registry, so open up regedit and navigate to one of the following registry keys, depending on your Windows version and UAC (User Account Control) settings:
(note that UAC only applies to Vista and Windows 7 and is turned on per default)

XP, Vista and Windows 7 32bit, UAC off:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mithis\Nexus - The Jupiter Incident

XP, Vista and Windows 7 64bit, UAC off:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mithis\Nexus - The Jupiter Incident

Vista and Windows 7 32bit, UAC on:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mithis\Nexus - The Jupiter Incident

Vista and Windows 7 64bit, UAC on:
 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mithis\Nexus - The Jupiter Incident

Change "Display_Height" and "Display_Width" to whatever resolution you're going to use and make sure, you're entering these numbers in decimal mode (not hexadecimal!). For example you'd set "Display_Height" to 1080 (hex: 438) and "Display_Width" to 1920 (hex: 780) to play in FullHD.

Field of View

You might also want to adjust the field of view accordingly. Nexus uses a horizontal angle of 70 degrees, which could result in the graphics looking "strange" in a widescreen resolution... anyway, it's limiting your view unnecessarily, so better change it. You do that by editing the universe\engine\rendering.ini in your Nexus base folder, if you extracted the nexus_00.dat using datool. If not, simply create a text file "rendering.ini" in the "universe\engine\"-folder (you'll need to create this folder, too) and paste the following content into the file:

Code: [Select]
FOV 90 45 46.826

ShotFormat tif

EmvPath "q:\movies\emv\"

(this is for a 16:9 display - if you're using a 16:10 resolution you might want to change the second line to "FOV 80 45 46.826")

There are some display issues with briefings and ingame titles, but everything else is working just as it always was.

Mod Development / Released Mods / What are you up to?
« on: November 13, 2009, 21:06:00 »
Yeah, well, what the title says... I'd just like to know, what projects you're currently working on... only if it's not top secret, of course. ;)

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