For this redacted briefing, can I assume that "62_1_Brief_TT" reads as "SMALL ENTITY-ORB" at your end? In five languages?

Looks like the repositioning works perfectly then. The game stretches things flawlessly from the 1024x768 'base' resolution.

I found a "small entity-orb" remark earlier in the briefing text file, and copied the translations from it over as well.
Pretty sure the German and French ones are correct. Not so sure if the Hungarian and Italian ones are as they should.
name 62_1_Brief_TT
0 "SMALL ENTITY-ORB" $$data "08/05/2004 14:41:54" "" 1
1 "KLEINE ENTITY-KUGEL" $$data "08/05/2004 14:41:54" "" 1
2 "KISEBB ENTITÁSGÖMB" $$data "06/28/2004 17:59:14" "" 1
3 "PETITE ORBE DE L'ENTITÉ" $$data "08/05/2004 14:41:54" "" 1
5 "ENTITÀ-SFERA PIÙ PICCOLA" $$data "09/02/2004 16:00:38" "" 1
All in all, I think you solved that issue well.