Ah, nice to see the old converter working again

Yeah, I've started to develop a new and shiny converter, but I fear "Elite: Dangerous" and work has slowed me down the last few weeks. Good to know that the old converter is working again, so people don't have to wait for me to start modding.
While we're at it: any feature requests for the new custom converter? The current plan is to support everything the old one did, make the UI more intuitive and add a few new features:
(1) direct support for normal maps, not just bump maps
(2) support for 3d file formats other than just Lightwave, e.g. 3DS Max, Maya, Blender, etc.
(3) support for more texture file formats, including .bmp, .png or .jpg
For (2) I'll need some files to test the converter against. So if anyone is able to provide me with a fully rigged sample model in any common 3d format other than Lightwave, I'd greatly appreciate it. The hard thing will be to support all the game parameters attached to the model such as #blink#, #boosters#, #slot n#, etc. Not sure how easy it is to replicate these parameters in other modeling applications and how best to extract that info in the converter.