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Author Topic: Change the language  (Read 8552 times)

Offline Tazoupetonbus

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Change the language
« on: March 26, 2009, 11:58:30 »
Hello. I am French so first sorry for my english. This mod is really great but as I see on french forum it is Disconcerting for some us to have english ships name or englishs weapon when you want create a mission. How can I change the name of weapons/shields/Ships... And if with your help I can do that will I be authorised to create a patch for that updating ?

Offline Arparso

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« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2009, 22:34:47 »
Sorry, that's not possible with the Skirmisher right now. If I'll ever release a new version, I'll try to support different languages, but for this version right now it's just not possible, especially with all the ship and device names.

Basically all I could do is maybe to translate the interface of the Skirmisher, but everything else gets read directly from the selected mod ... so names of shipclasses, devices, etc. will always be in the language the mod authors intended them to be in. Even worse, the Skirmisher uses the internal names of everything and not the "real names" the player usually sees while playing the game. So multi-language support is pretty much non-existant right now.