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Author Topic: X32I - Redemption ... a space warfare mod for Crysis  (Read 11015 times)

Offline Arparso

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X32I - Redemption ... a space warfare mod for Crysis
« on: March 31, 2009, 23:06:51 »
I'm always looking for my sci-fi fix and this just looks pretty promising so far. X32I is in its very early stages, but there are already some great images and a few short clips available. Check them out:

X32I @

Offline Slezar de Fanel

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« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2010, 17:28:40 »
Uhm, my first post. So hello everyone  :D .

About X321, looks nice so far... But not much to see, and it looks like there is not much momentum to keep the thing running. On the other side, they seem to fully focus on the Space Sim side. No planet landing features, no boarding ships etc. Have seen many mods that went quickly under the radar because of too many features. So i wait and see. Hopefully they pull it of. The genre is really in need of some good games. Not that i dont like X3 or Eve, but i miss the good old days where i just took out my joystick (the plastic one) and have some multiplayer fun with my old clan in freespace 2 climbing up the ladder.... Not to mention the storyline behind the game and that you are just a small sausage jumping out of the hot pan right into the fire. Game was just great....

Well, looks like a awkward introduction, but jeah  :thumbsup:

Offline Arparso

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« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2010, 18:18:07 »
Quote from: Slezar de Fanel
Uhm, my first post. So hello everyone :D .
Welcome! :)

Since my original post, the project has moved on quite significantly. There were a few teaser trailers showing pretty advanced in-engine stuff before the recent engine switch. Now it's a UDK indie game instead of a Crysis mod, which probably is the reason for why we haven't seen much new material since then. I really hope, they pull this off. Like you said, the space sim genre is practically dead, with only a few (mostly mediocre) action games occasionally coming from eastern Europe. Well, and X3, of course, but that caters only to such a small subset of the space sim fan, that it really isn't a viable replacement for the likes of Wing Commander or Freespace.

As much as I love Freespace and what the modding community has accomplished with it during the last ten years, I really don't want to have to rely on it for the next decade as well. Because of that I'm pretty excited for X32I, although it stil isl a long way until it's finished.