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Author Topic: Campaign Equipment Editing  (Read 7467 times)

Offline Frosty

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Campaign Equipment Editing
« on: March 03, 2010, 11:04:38 »
I recently dug out Nexus from behind my shelf and played through the Singleplayer Campaign again.
Now I wanted to play through it another time, but I also wanted to play around with all the various bits of equipment and weaponry the game has to offer right from Episode 2.

I unpacked 00.DAT with DATool, went to universe/story/rules and looked at the episode_# files.
Now I've tried adding all the equipment there is available to corresponding //Fegyverek, // Squadrons and so on sections, aka included the "uAddDevicesToStock(#device_id,amount);"-lines, but it didn't affect my game.

I tried adding them to every mission, in every difficulty section, in all episode_# files where those sections are present, and that didn't affect my game.
I also tried creating new devices and adding those, using a tutorial I found on, but that didn't work either.
Now I've ran through it, tried and tried again, doublechecked for typos and whatnot, but I can't get it to work no matter what.

My question is, what am I missing? Or what am I doing wrong? I remember doing the same thing and getting it to work long ago using a tutorial on the now gone forums, and I can't figure out where my error is.

One thing puzzling me is that the resource point numbers found in the episode_# files don't match what's in the game at all. Prior to the first mission in Episode 2 I've 24 RPs available in the game, but the file says there should be 20.

Am I editing the wrong files maybe?

Offline The Old Dragon

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« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 14:38:22 »
Hi Frosty,

Can you send a copy of your modified rules to and I'll have a look for you.
I've got this section working in my mod so hopefully we can get you up and running :)
Better to look the fool by asking, then prove them right with ignorance.

Offline nasharas

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« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 22:33:03 »
well as much as I noticed, you should add devices before playing the game, or at least you must start a new game :) either way adding devices or other stuff didn't worked for me to for loaded game :)