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Author Topic: Nexus:The Aurora Affair  (Read 10979 times)

Offline The Old Dragon

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Nexus:The Aurora Affair
« on: March 18, 2010, 00:22:57 »
Hi Folks,

After a little prodding by GeoModder and with Arparso's blessing, I've started up this thread to talk about all things N:TAA.
So if you've got anything to say about anything I release concerning N:TAA, then here's the place... the good the bad and the ugly. Also, every now and then I'll be posting some tasks for which I could really do with some help  as well.

Speaking of which, here's the first...

What I'd like is to expand my current selection of character portraits, preferably I'd like to keep them animated as per Nexus norm, but I don't stand a snowballs chance of drawing them myself (this kind of art was never my strong point).  So my question is, are there any talentd artists out there with some free time on their hands who'd be willing to help? Or failing that, does anyone know of a face creating program that would help me make them?
Better to look the fool by asking, then prove them right with ignorance.

Offline GeoModder

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« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2010, 20:52:24 »
Wow, my little "prodding" had you thinking more then I expected. ;)
On the announced feedback of the demo mission, it wasn't THAT much I wanted to share, you know. I basically wanted to ask if you'd appreciate some spelling check on the messages said ingame. Also, since I thought Dimieter's voice often doesn't sound command-like enough, I thought of asking if you found it necessary to redo some of Dimieter's voice messages. But since your response more or less implied that this demo mission is history, the remark might be superfluous.

On the demo itself, I found it rather good. The player doesn't have much to do, but the cinematics and astronomic vista (ecliptic ring border of the gas giant) are top-notch.  :thumbsup:
Still have to try how things play out if the marines don't board the station, so perhaps my critique of 'not much to do' might not apply.

As on new faces: if you don't feel too bad about ripping stuff from other mods, the Babylon5 mod has I think 2 'animated' human faces. The style is a bit different, but it's there.

Offline The Old Dragon

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« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2010, 23:43:12 »
Critique is always welcome, it only helps me see things in a wider a view.

Great to hear about the cinematics and background, there should be a nice amount of both in the new episode.  About a year ago I decided to start scripting it into a campaign and gods, some of those early missions were quite bad. Bugs and half baked scenarios everywhere, lol. End result being, I went back to square one with a virtually complete rebuild in mind.  Same storyline (more or less) but with a new approach, out goes the strict "must complete this mission to advance" mantra. Trying to implement a 'freeplay' kind of enviroment, give the player a task and say 'off you go, have fun'. So far, things look... promising  :)

I'll look into those faces too, good idea Geo :thumbup:
Though the task still needs looking into as I'll be needing some alien avatars for the future.
Better to look the fool by asking, then prove them right with ignorance.

Offline GeoModder

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« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2010, 00:14:06 »
Well, here's some critique of pure observation. ;)

I noticed that the Starseeker doesn't need to fly all the way to its escape point to end the mission. Just for the heck of it I started the IP drive before it reached this point and the mission ended, even when I didn't actually IP out but continued to the escape point. Activating the IP drive is appearantly a trigger to end the mission, regardless where the ship is.
Something on the fighter attack on Starseeker if you attempt to escape without sabotaging the station first. Only one squadron shows up as scanned, while there must be 3 for sure. Maybe more.

Offline The Old Dragon

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« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2010, 00:37:02 »
It's the little things like this (and some rather bigger ones in other early missions) that prompted my return to square one and begin a rewrite.  Hopefully the new version should have a lot fewer holes in it.  :)
Better to look the fool by asking, then prove them right with ignorance.

Offline GeoModder

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« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2010, 18:32:28 »
So... any update on how far you are on the Aurora Project. ;)

Offline The Old Dragon

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« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2010, 22:37:20 »
All I can really say at the moment is that I've taken some quite big steps. Working on the 'behind the scenes' stuff at the moment... trying to bring a new approach and feel to the game. Multi area missions, decisions & consquences, places to dock and random encounters, etc.  Nexus's make up kind of makes it hard work but I'm making headway.
Better to look the fool by asking, then prove them right with ignorance.