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Author Topic: Game crashes  (Read 13078 times)

Offline Wadimich

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Game crashes
« on: July 04, 2012, 20:51:08 »
I made a model, put it in the tacticstypes, changed some of SETs. After that, i made a mission in skirmisher, with new model, and i can't play it. When it almost started, game crashes without any errors.
I'm sending out model if it broken, or something is undone.

Please help.

Offline Arparso

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Re: Game crashes
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2012, 19:01:53 »
The model isn't broken, as far as I can tell. It works just fine in game.

The cause of the crash is most likely an error in your changes to the tacticstypes.ini. If you could post the tacticstypes.ini or at least the changes you made, I could likely help you.

For my quick testing I made this SHIPCLASS for the "NEXUS Skirmisher" mod, after converting the model and textures:

Code: [Select]
Name "cls_xxx"
Mesh "punisher"
Serial "NDF CO.%03u"
GUIIcon "icons\frigate"
Efx 5 1
ImpactEfx 1 0.6
FinalEfx 2 0.6
ChannelEfx 3 1
FinalTime 8
Civilization 0
Velocity 315
RotVelFact 350
RangeBehav 2 2
Behaviour 0
TargetType 9
SupportOutput 30
SupportIn 25
WeapCntFact 1
HPmax 3000
DeviceRepairHP 40
DetectBase 120
Security 2
Slots ;
Slots ;
Slots 51 55 ;
Slots 61 61/63/67   66 66 ;
Slots 71 ;
Carrier 0
MaxCarried 0
MPValue 0

This was copied from vanilla Nexus' corvette shipclass, with only the Mesh changed and weapon slots removed (I didn't look how many weapon slots you have on your model, so to be safe I just removed all weapon slots). Then I created a quick mission with the Skirmisher tool featuring the new shipclass and it worked just fine, no crash whatsoever.

Offline Wadimich

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Re: Game crashes
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 19:27:06 »
Well, it seem's like there' some weapons, that causes that crash (in example a phaser from SAMPLE 2).
Now it's crashes, when i press Esc.

I send my tacticstypes, i need to know, there is a problem.

After deleting all errors, i think, i can make a new big mod (this will take a few months, to create a basis).

Offline Arparso

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Re: Game crashes
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2012, 16:21:48 »
It'd be helpful to know what kind of errors you're getting. Are you using the mission editor for playtesting? If not, then please do so or you'll have no clue about the cause of a crash and I won't be able to help you.

To start the mission editor, use the "mod_tools.exe" in the "mod_tools" subdirectory of your Nexus install.

What I discovered:

Code: [Select]
Slots 51 52 55 ;(in SHIPCLASS "cls_xxx")

... caused a crash for me when launching the mission editor. Removing either 51 or 52 from that line solved it. Not sure, why this happens... you probably tried to mount two main drive slots on one ship!?

Code: [Select]
Name "Punisher"
Class #cls_xxx
Devices #weap_phaser #weap_phaser #weap_phaser ;
Devices #shld_b123 ;
Devices #eng_bFusEng #eng_secFusEng ;
Devices #supp_sensor #supp_bSgen #supp_ecm #supp_res #supp_bWGen ;

... causes another crash when loading the mission. The devices #eng_secFusEng, #supp_bSgen and #supp_bWGen don't fit into any of the slots on this shipclass, removing them fixes the issue (but makes the ship unusable, because there are no generators anymore).

You know how slots, devices and sets work? Here's a quick rundown:

- every device belongs to one or multiple sets, each identified by a different number, e.g.:

Code: [Select]
Sets 23 70 73 124 ;

- a shipclass has "slots", where you can fit devices into

- each slot only accepts a single device from one or multiple sets

- you tell the slot which sets to accept by using the set's number, e.g.:

Code: [Select]
Slots 61 61/62;

=> these two slots will accept ALL devices belonging to set 61 and the second slot will ALSO accept devices from set 62

- if you try to fit a device to a shipclass, the game will try to find a valid slot for it by looking at the set numbers of the device and the open slots
- if there are no available slots for this device anymore, the game will give you an error saying as much and exit*

*) you'll only get the error when using the editor - when playing through the normal game's exe it'll just crash

Offline Wadimich

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Re: Game crashes
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2012, 19:27:51 »
I used Nexus Skirmisher, to make mission. I did some tests (also with my turret model). I discovered, that some weapons will crash game, when ships with this weapon approach to distance. on that weapon CAN fire, weapon is starting to charge (not always) and game crash. Only energy bomb work properly. I was checking SETs, and slots, and how that working on manuals. I looked to find, is there SETs has properly set. In your discovering about engines won't working is because SETs not right. I have issue only with weapons, engines work fine, support work also fine. Is weapons crashing because of SETs ?

Offline Arparso

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Re: Game crashes
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2012, 14:53:26 »
I can't tell, if you don't give me an error message to work with.

Please use the "mod_tools\mod_tools.exe" in your Nexus folder, select your mod and start the mission editor. Load your mission and play it using the "Save and start" button. When the mission crashes you'll get an error message stating the reason.

Without that error message we can only speculate about your issues, wasting both our time in the process.

Offline Wadimich

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Re: Game crashes
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2012, 15:46:00 »
I got this: then i starting up mission editor