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Author Topic: Difficulty modifiers?  (Read 7766 times)

Offline Gargantou

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Difficulty modifiers?
« on: December 28, 2011, 10:29:57 »
Hi guys, long-time Nexus fan and first-time poster here!

I have one thing I've been wondering about Nexus for a long time, exactly what effects does the Difficulty settings have in the single-player campaign?

Do they just modify RP amount, or do they also modify stuff like how much % of bonus damage the player-controlled ships get versus computer controlled ones?

If anyone knows exactly what these modifiers are, I'd be very interested in finding out!

Thanks in advance for any helpful replies!

Offline GeoModder

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Re: Difficulty modifiers?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 17:44:08 »
Probably only part of the answer, but quite a number of the missions are coded in such a way that the higher the difficulty level, the less "extra's" the player receives in the config screen/ship setup.
Weapons effectiviness seems affected as well. At least, I recall it could be a hell of a problem disabling the shields of hostile ships with only three energy shells installed on the Angelwing.