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Author Topic: More on Possible devices....  (Read 5656 times)

Offline The_Small_Time_Modder

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More on Possible devices....
« on: September 23, 2011, 01:06:08 »
If you guys haven't seen the post i put up in the mods section, you can check it out here... i have some other ideas i hatched up...,321.0.html

Ive been thinking up of another set of ideas, bear with me.  ;)

--- WEAPONS ---

1. A type of siege laser weapon that is capable of punching through a ship and impacting anything behind it. (like a rail gun)

2. A slow, extremely powerful missile that unleashes a sort of firestorm (or an extremely strong, temporary cloud of radiation) on anything a distance in front of it upon detonation. (the moment the enemy destroys the missile is the moment it goes off, or if it hits its intended target the missile simply spews the stuff in a radius around it's detenation point.)

3. a shielded missile perhaps? EDIT: slower, nearly as powerful as a cataclysm missile. damages shields AND hulls (hulls much more than shields)

4. the eWind being capable of pushing ships a good distance away. EDIT: as well as temporarily disabling the engines of a ship

5. The disruptor being capable of temporarily 'Knocking out' a ship. NOTE: the lifepods DO NOT leave the ship. EDIT: the bigger the ship, the shorter the time it is knocked out.

6. Maybe a laser that can hit targets in a chain? (I.E. it strikes one enemy ship, then jumps from that ship to another enemy ship and hits it... etc.) EDIT: does more hull damage than normal lasers, has a chance to damage multiple devices at the same time (on one ship).

--- PHYSICS ---

1. Collisions, its really silly to see ships get extremely close. EDIT: ships take shield damage if their shields collide, hull damage when hulls collide, the higher the speed at impact, the more damage.


EDIT: anybody think any of this stuff is feasible in the nexus coding? I dont mind at all if you guys want to see if you can code for any of this stuff on your own. Shoot a reply if you get any success with any of this stuff!

Hope you guys like the ideas...  8)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 23:28:21 by The_Small_Time_Modder »
Epic win = when bullets dodge YOU.

Nothing can contend with that. Unless if you can travel through time and space.