That's a good suggestion, but the problem with multiplayer missions is, that I can't test them. Multiplayer still doesn't work in Vista or Windows 7... so because I'm running 7, I can't reliably playtest any multiplayer mission the Skirmisher spits out. And no, I'm not going to revert to XP again or configure my PC to allow dual-booting. I'd try with Virtualization software like VirtualBox or VMWare, but 3D support is poor and until now I didn't manage to get Nexus running - if anyone got any tips, I'm all open for it.

To summarize other suggestions so far:
- clear names and/or descriptions for devices
- more intuitive ship customization
- fighter/marines support
- setting ship/fleet positions manually
- automatic mission numbering (or no numbering at all, if possible)
- save/load/modify skirmish settings for later use
- more diverse AIs, possibly including AI-controlled Allies