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Author Topic: Nexus 2: Funding timeline  (Read 27089 times)

Offline EmeraldReporter

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Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« on: August 17, 2011, 03:37:27 »
The timeline for funding of Nexus 2 goes as follows.

As well as commitment:
Forget donating, call it a Pre-order. By pledging a certain amount you will receive as fallows -
@ €Whatever you want, if you pledge €21, you'll get the €20 Contributor plan, and so on...

@ €5 you are named as a contributor on the website and the game,

@ €20 you get your name in the credits+Digital Download Copy, >

@ €50 you get your Credit, DC (Digital Copy), Special Edition Boxed DVD, + Audio Soundtrack, >

@ €250, Credit, DC, SE-DVD, Audio Soundtrack signed by Dev. Team, + Unique DLC, + Possible Beta access, and finally

@ €2,500 Gold Fan: Named as an Executive Producer on the website and in the game + Digital Download of the finished game + Special Limited Edition of the finished game (incl. Audio CD) signed by the development team + Nexus 2 Badge + Possibility to participate in Beta Testing of the game + Unique DLC + In game ship named. AND, as stated on the website. "REVENUE SHARE | 50%
All supporters of the category Platinum will receive a combined share of fifty percent of the net revenues of this project (partitioned according to the amounts paid by supporters). So the more you support, the more you get from the revenue share."

This isn't donating. It is a pledge, i.e. Committing to make payment of your stated amount if, And when €400,000 Euro Mark is reached.

All within day One, of announcement. August 16, 2011
01 - @ €2,500
02 - @ €2,520
03 - @ €2,570
04 - @ €2,620
05 - @ €2,870
06 - @ N/A€250+ (with my pledge)
08 - @ €3,240
09 - @ €3,670
10 - @ €3,920
11 - @ €3,940
12 - @ €4,190 ~ We've reached the 1% mark! Yay!!
14 - @ €4,230
Day - 02
21 - @ €4,720
22 - @ €4,770
23 - @ €4,790
25 - @ €4,860
26 - @ €5,110
28 - @ €5,150
29 - @ €5,170
30 - @ €5,220
32 - @ €5,520
33 - @ €5,540
34 - @ €8,040 ~ (We've reached the 2% mark!!)
35 - @ €8,060
36 - @ €8,080
Day - 03
39 - @ €8,180
40 - @ €8,200
43 - @ €8,225
45 - @ €8,265
47 - @ €8,515
50 - @ €11,055
Day - 04
51 - @ €13,555 (Starting day 04 with a bang! Hitting 3% Mark!)

Day - 05
53 - @ €13,595
Day - 06
54 - @ €13,845
55 - @ €14,095
57 - @ €14,365
Day - 07 Sunday 08/22/2011
58 - @ €14,385
59 - @ €14,435
60 - @ €14,685
Day IDK 08/24/2011
61 - @ €17,260 (4%Mark)
62 - @ €17,310
66 - @ €19,830 (My new revised pledge/investment of €2,500)
Day 10 - August 26th, 2011
70 - @ €20,170 (Yay! What a milestone, 5% in ten days!!!)
August 30th
78 - @ €20,360
August 31st
79 - @ €20,380
80 - @ €20,630
81 - @ €20,880
September 1st
84 - @ €21,030
85 - @ €21,070
October 23rd
211 - @ €54,207 -- We are @ 13%!
November 13th 2011
245 - @ €77,682 -- Amazng! 19%!
December 10th 2011
296 - @ €100,257 -- OMG 25%!!!!!
And counting...

Final Count:
Note: There is a deadline to the €400,000 Euro.

February 08th, 2012.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 19:06:15 by EmeraldReporter »
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Offline DreamorCZ

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2011, 11:06:16 »
I have a crazy proposition for you all: What about to a big pledge as a group? You might ask why, well, reasons are simple - Bigger pledge and REVENUE SHARE. Again, you might ask why and what for. I'm certain, there are people like me that want to pledge more then €250 but they won't do it from practical reasons. Personally, I would pledge €1000 (maybe €1500) but I just won't do this because of no practical gain. If we pledge as a group, we will gain Revenue Share witch we can use for funding things as web hosting, MP ecosystem for old Nexus TJI and such things and the rest of Revenue Share would be divided to pledgers respectively.

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Offline jstubbles

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 17:35:15 »
I already pledged 250. I suppose I can always cancel that. But I'd like to hear from the company on weather or not we can pledge as a group like that. I don't know if that will fly. It's sort of like cheating :P 
I mean, if 500 people got together and each gave 5e, that's 2500. So those 500 people would get producer status and a cut of the profit? What happens if lots of people were to do that? Your profit would dwindle to absolutely nothing.

Offline Arparso

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 18:21:45 »
Yeah, well... with the current system in place one guy would have to actually make the pledge on his own receiving the producer credit and his cut of the profit. He'd then distribute the money to the other participants, who paid him prior to this.

Don't know if it's worth the hassle. You also need to keep in mind, that "platinum fans" only get money, IF the game turns out to make a profit... meaning it has to cover production and distribution costs first before actually generating any kind of money for you. If you then divide this by a whole bunch of people who joined forces for a platinum pledge, each individual may very well end up only making a tiny sum, if anything at all.

Btw, I find it kind of funny, that - hypothetically - if there were only one platinum fan and a few thousands of gold, silver and so on... that this one guy would still receive 50% of the profit all by his own. :D

I'm just not sure how well Nexus 2 is going to sell with all the hardcore fans already receiving their free copy because of their pledge. The first Nexus didn't do too well, after all.

Another problem: how'd you collect the money for the platinum pledge from all participants? You could end up in one of at least three bad situations:

a) make the pledge now and collect the money later, when your PayPal account actually gets charged... but what if some participants refuse to pay up?

b) you collect the money before actually making the pledge, but the person collecting the money runs off with it...

c) you collect the money before making the pledge, but the project doesn't reach its 400.000€ goal. Now you gotta pay back the money... with all the stupid transaction fees for PayPal or other money transfer methods, this amounts to an effective loss of money for everyone, defeating the otherwise risk-free nature of this crowdfunding system
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 18:29:49 by Arparso »

Offline GeoModder

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2011, 15:54:29 »
I'll have to rush creating a PayPal account to get my lucky number.  :o

Offline Sargoth

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2011, 16:28:51 »
For the base mark  we need 80.000 people  to reach the goal
For bronze mark we need 20.000 people to reach the mark
For silver mark we need 8.000 people to reach the mark
for gold mark we need 1.600 people to reach the mark
for platinum mark we need 160 people to reach the mark

just for luls :)

Offline GeoModder

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2011, 19:27:55 »
Nobody sent a mail to Gates yet?  ;D

Offline Sargoth

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2011, 10:49:08 »

Offline DJ Die

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2011, 17:05:30 »
well the main problem with Nexus:TJI sales we marketing or rather lack thereof....almost nobody knew about the game.....
i should be able to donate at least 20Euros even with small wages in my country

P.S. Zdravím Dreamore :)

Offline DreamorCZ

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2011, 09:48:20 »
Yeah, almost no one knew but things are different now, much different.

Ps: Zdarec DJ Die :)
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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2011, 15:37:49 »
Looks like we crossed the 5% mark.   ;D

Offline DreamorCZ

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2011, 18:55:37 »
Then, we should celebrate................ a little.   ;)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 23:23:28 by DreamorCZ »
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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2011, 20:19:07 »
Almost 6%...  8)

Offline shinobivsme

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2011, 11:38:13 »
Hello all, only just came across this the other day in my yearly hunt for nexus news!
I think what you need to do is:
get into/onto some news sites, papers etc and basically promote the cause and the game, which will have a 2 fold effect,
Firstly increasing your support base (more pledges, pre orders etc), and secondly increasing your overall sales if/when the game is released.

It might also be worth speaking to some publishers like Stardock, Paradox etc in re guards to some funding, these are smaller publishers who tend to work with more Indy devs and would be more inclined to help than EA for example. (start dock also for example developed Galactic Civilization II and Sins of a solar empire).

If you can get enough momentum and PR behind the project you will undoubtedly be able to raise the capitol required but I would definitely look at Grants, funding and proper investment opportunities. In My eyes the first nexus was great, it had a few problems but what game doesn't. and the only reason I can surmise why it didn't sell well was due to lack of PR, Marketing and a robust distribution method.

You could also make a few smaller Indy games to fund this off the back of. e.g. if you can make a quick daft game that's really addictive and sell it for £5 per go on steam for example you are going to make some quick cash.
anyway that's my £0.02p

(also don't forget its more than likely you will lose a % of pledges when they day they need to pay arrives)

Offline Martin

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2011, 11:34:59 »
Well, the idea to invest together is great. That is what I thought about two weeks ago and I see no reason why this should be a problem. I don't know about the transaction fees in your countries, but here in Germany online transactions are normally free, that includes transactions within the EU.
I created a website, if you are interested, take a look: If you want to participate, you are welcome to do so. If you don't want to join us, then start a new group. The important thing is to get this project up and running :D. I've been waiting for a successor far too long.
I stumbled over your site because there is a link on the profile page for Nexus 2 on Gamesplant. It's great to see that there is still so much interest in Nexus:TJI.

Best regards,

Offline Blazar

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2011, 20:49:18 »
After i had read the news about Nexus: 2, i had to check it three times to confirm that i
was reading it wright.  I could not believe that after so many years there will finaly be a sequel.
I smiled and was extemely happy for 3 day's. That's today.  :D

I have read almost all of the news links and comments of all the fans on all the different sites, that's how excited i am.

But after seeing the amount of the start sum,€ 400K, and the total collected to date,
where at only 22%, i was a bit disappointed for the realisation of this amazing project.
(only 67 day's and counting)

But as an eternal optimist i am still counting on the fullfilment of this game.

There is simply no better game in this genre, space-tactical, with this immersive
experience, graphics, the total feel of this game and much much more.
Also buy watching the tech promotional vid (the original one) it is quite hard to resist
the urge to get into the N 2 Universe.

What have the thousands of fans got to do in order to get this going?

Is there some sort of funding from the european commison, cultural or IT-department for
indy-games? Or from a cultural-charity organisation or filantropic or something of that
nature to contribute. (or a rich guy like Paul Allen, who invested in SETI). ( nice post by Sargoth ;))
Maybe with a deal of giving back to them after making a profit?

Just thinking out loud or plain dreaming and being to optimistic.

I still have a few questions and suggestions for N 2 though.
One has already been mentioned,by EmeraldReporter: is the Havok’s Vision enigine up to
the task? Will it be as good as the original one.

Why won't they release the source code of the original?

I will give my support, for sure and spread the word.
The fanbase - moddding community has to pull their collective strenght to help this
cause!   :)

Offline EmeraldReporter

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2011, 18:21:33 »
€100,000 Euro!!!

I can't believe it!
We are at around the t-minus 60 day mark and, we're we've reached a great milestone!
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 20:35:08 by EmeraldReporter »
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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2011, 17:47:11 »
Let's hope quite a bit extra comes in before February, so our developers need less outsider investors to create Nexus II. 8)

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Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2012, 14:12:45 »
I contributed at GamesPlant and am trying to do a bit of promotion on youtube, with the link.
It is still very little attention.
Anyway here'a a sample:

EVE gameplay Nexus Mod 6