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Author Topic: Hello, new to the game, have a few questions II!  (Read 8676 times)

Offline Rubini

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Hello, new to the game, have a few questions II!
« on: January 14, 2012, 21:17:22 »
First of all thanks by yours (this entire community!) effort to push this great game ahead!
Also, excuse me by my english, isn´t my native language.

I have the Steam version, win 7 64,  all works ok, widescreen&aspect working ok, even had found some good texture mods for asteroids and also the hi resolution ones (will try to "install" them asap).

Anyhow, I´m new to the game and have 3 questions/comments:

1. The earth rotation on the astronomical view is inverted or I´m wrong? I mean, in real life earth rolls to  East  and in the game earth is rolling to West!!! Any way to fix this? (I like astronomy very much... this is just a detail...but is annoying!)  :P

2. Also the movement (orbital velocity) of the planets are a bit too much quiclky, again just a detail...but can I make it more slow?

3. Again, the movement of the ships aren´t correct, they are so much abrupt and have quick accelaration/desaccelaration...i know that this is a game and isn´t to be perfect on physiscs..but any way to make them a bit more slow and peacefull?

Thanks by any advice and again hopes that you have understand my english!



Offline Arparso

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Re: Hello, new to the game, have a few questions II!
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2012, 13:03:55 »
Welcome to the forum, Rubini! :)

1. Never noticed that but then I never really had a close look at it ;)

2. Well, the orbital period and distance to the sun is actually accurate in the game's data files, so movement should be too. They probably render it faster than real-time so the motion is actually visible to the player (similar to how games like Skyrim or GTA accelerate time, so an in-game day is significantly shorter than 24h).

For both of these issues, you could edit the universe/systems/sol.system file after extracting it with "datool" or "DatXtract". E.g. If you increase the "PeriodD" property of Earth, you should be able to make it move slower. Don't know about the rotation, though. There are three properties for that: RotationPeriod, RotationOffset and Obliquity - none of that really governs the direction of the rotation. Maybe by making RotationPeriod negative you can flip it, but that depends on how RotationPeriod gets processed internally by the game.

3. You can make ships move and rotate slower by changing the "Velocity" and "RotVelFact" (how fast it turns) in universe\tactics\tacticstypes.ini for each shipclass or by changing "VelocityFactor", "SideVelFact" and "RotVelFact" of each engine (devicetypes beginning with "eng_"). This will affect their maximum speed as well, though - not just their acceleration or turning speed. This'll make the game considerably slower and might screw up certain missions to the point, where they can't be won anymore or where they might even crash the game.

Offline GeoModder

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Re: Hello, new to the game, have a few questions II!
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2012, 19:58:56 »
Hi Rubini,

On your questions:

1) The only way I found to fix Earth's rotational direction is to invert the texture file, and put the whole solar system upside down in the solar system editor (one of the Nexus modding tools that ship with the game). You probably hadn't noticed it yet, but the whole solar system revolves in the wrong direction: clockwise instead of counter-clockwise.
I've done it on my end with the help of Arparso's texture convertor application (sorry Arparso, I keep forgetting the name of it ;) ), but the conversion didn't turn out perfect for the _bump textures of Earth. Also, since I'm an astronomy buff myself, I edited a Sol system file where the so-called biggest known dwarf planets are included  and updated alot of distance/size/angle numbers of the planets and moons, based on info of NASA and wikipedia. Of course, with that Earth texture fix now the rest of the sol system planet textures are upside down.  :(

2) I can be wrong, but I *think* the orbital speed of the planets is correct. But the game calender moves to quickly. At least, that was my observation when checking the date progress in astronomical view with Marcus' diary enabled. The date progressed faster then one Earth day revolution.

As on 3), Arparso already said it all. :)