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Author Topic: Hello to all and 3 questions.  (Read 10998 times)

Offline Stratos

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Hello to all and 3 questions.
« on: August 29, 2011, 17:23:24 »
Hello all just discovered Nexus thanks a post on SimHq and as the game is cheap on steam... well I'm here, I'm enjoying the game so far looks like a real great game, but have some questions to you guys, hope someone can help.

1 - Exist any way I can stop those rotating parts of the ships? I supose those are artificial gravity generator or something like that, but they really bug me. Any way to stop them?

2 - Possible to make the fighters and marine assault ships clikeable so I can take a look at them just like the other ships of the game?

3 - Any way to make my ship move where I want? and a mod to play the game like in a real space ship? A cockpit or something similar.

Thats it for the moment, hope you guys can help me.

Offline Mularac

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Re: Hello to all and 3 questions.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2011, 17:35:44 »
1 and 2: Nop. All those things are hardcoded, sorry.
3: The first part is possible. Hold shift and you'll see your mouse pointer converted to a sort of positioning thing, just move it arround and use the left click mouse buttom to change the depth (hold it). It's pretty straightforward but quite hard to describe :P just try it. Once you release the shift key the selected ship/s will move to that location.
About your other questions: Again, not possible.

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Re: Hello to all and 3 questions.
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2011, 17:43:36 »
I think with No. 02, you just double-click on any fighter that has been launched.

But you can not control a fighter squadron by sending them wherever. You can either tell them to attack a ship, or defend a particular ship, or defend the whole fleet.
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Re: Hello to all and 3 questions.
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2011, 17:55:42 »
I believe question 1 may be possible, but I don't think it'd be worth the effort. You'd need to unpack the Nexus00.dat file (with Datool) and then edit each mission that contains a ship with said rotating parts and use the following command on it...

AnimateShip(ship, animate);

It starts/stops the ship’s default animations (turning parts, etc.), and the blinkers. The change is gradual, at the moment its accelerating/decelerating time is 10 seconds.

If you're not confident about modding the game files (sometimes, even if you are), then you could do something that causes a CTD.
Better to look the fool by asking, then prove them right with ignorance.

Offline Stratos

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Re: Hello to all and 3 questions.
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2011, 18:55:30 »
I see, thanks for replying, seems that stoping the rotation of all those structures is too much trouble for such little gain, thanks for explaining it. Another question, exist any mission editor so I can create my own battles? Also where can I get mods for the game?

Offline Arparso

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Re: Hello to all and 3 questions.
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2011, 19:11:47 »
  • Later on in the game when progressing through the story and meeting new factions, you won't see that many ships with rotating sections again... to be honest, right now I can't think of ANY other ship with rotating sections apart from the ones you'll meet or play with in the first few mission, so this isn't likely to bother you for long. ;)
  • You can double-click the fighter squadron in your ship list at the upper left of your screen to follow one of its fighters, although then you can't control the camera to zoom or rotate around your fighter. Double-clicking in empty space or on any other ship in the ship list will leave this "follow fighter" mode again.
  • Like Mularac said: press and hold shift and use the mouse to move the marker to the position you want your selected ship(s) to go to - then release the shift key again. Also by holding the left mouse button you can move the marker further away from the camera (or back again). It's hard to describe, but works well enough once you get the hang of it after your first few tries.
    And no, there is no cockpit view, command bridge or anything like that.

Regarding the mission editor
Yeah, there is one. I don't think Steam gives you a shortcut for it, but you'll find a "mod_tools.exe" in the "mod_tools" subfolder of your Nexus installation. This'll give you access to a bunch of tools:
  • a solar system editor to create or modify star systems (create new planets, moons, etc.)
  • a mission editor, which is only really useful for placing ships in your mission and - much more importantly - debugging your scripts... to actually create entertaining missions, you'll have to learn the scripting language and use any text editor of your choice to write those mission scripts... the editor only helps to playtest and debug those missions
  • a model viewer which helps you test your newly created or modified 3d models before importing them into the game
  • a model and texture converter which converts models and textures to a format Nexus is able to actually make use of

In the "docs" subfolder you'll find the modding documentation describing all these tools, all the hotkeys you'll need as well as the scripting language used to create missions. Additionally the game will also include three sample mods (one containing a custom mission, one changing everything from effects to ship classes to sounds, etc.) and one containing a multiplayer mission setup).

A simple way to create skirmish battles against the AI
... would be the Skirmisher tool I created a few years ago: Nexus Skirmisher v0.61 download. It's a simple utility to create fleet-vs-fleet battles while also supporting most if not all major mods out there (like BSG, Stargate, Star Trek, etc.).

Regarding mods
... it'll be best to have a look at Nexus' page on I believe all the big Nexus' mods are on that list - except maybe some really old ones.

PS: There is also a Wiki with some modding tutorials around. :)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 19:30:44 by Arparso »

Offline Stratos

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Re: Hello to all and 3 questions.
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2011, 23:02:38 »
Think the skirmish creator is what i'm searching! Thanks a lot.