I think i had a revelation over this topic!

I remembered a slice of coding similar to that of the coding that had to do with the pluto gate, except it was slightly different.
POSITIONS //Ship "ship_Master" 0 -300 40000 7 23 135
Ship "ship_Master" 18000 1200 13900 180 0 0
Ship "ship_Killer_1" 0 -700 20700 180 0 0
Ship "ship_Killer_2" 600 700 21700 180 0 0
Ship "ship_Killer_3" -600 700 21700 180 0 0
Ship "ship_Hunter_1" 0 700 23200 180 0 0
Ship "ship_Hunter_2" 400 -400 22700 180 0 0
Ship "ship_Hunter_3" -400 -400 22700 180 0 0
Ship "ship_AngelwingC" -7995 177 34275 180 0 0
NexusGate "gate_Noah_Delta" -16067 337 -8100ENDthis came from "the chase" mission by the way...
Im starting to doubt these suckers are hard-coded, and im about to explain why and/or how...
Firstly, if all this editable coding
REGARDING the wormholes wasnt present,
THEN i would suspect its hard-coded, but this stuff
is here. So how could it be hard-coded if they're evidently
placing it
and naming it?
Second problem with it being Hard-coded into the system, as i stated earlier, apparently there is some type of file format
SOMETHING related to these things are tucked away in.
If you look into the _00.DAT file, you'd see a file labeled 'Nexii'. This file contains the names of every single pair of wormhole gates in the regular campaign. Their format is '.nexus' so it has to be readable by wordpad (
which i JUST found out they ARE!!!), BUT this is the
BIG picture of this puzzle... these nexus files are what
CONNECT each of the wormholes! So, using this information, we could easily create a NEXUS file based off of the ones provided in the main campaign.
Also, these nexus files contain each GATE, which we can also code into, say, a custom system, such as my Arcturus system. I could connect arcturus, and another of my custom systems, Ouroboros, together using this type of file.
heres an example, i pulled out the alpha nexus, which connects the sol system to the noah system
Name "nex_Alpha"
Color 1 1 1
Background 0.68 0.91 0.97 0.76 0.63 0.69 0.75 0.27
NumStars 5000
Gravity 50
Damaging 50
Parent "astfld_Pluto"
Name "gate_Sol_Alpha"
Secret 150
SemiMajorAxisKM 112.63
MeanAnomaly 52.9651
Radius 4E-007
PosInNexus -42983 -15257 -28785
Parent "Noah VIIb"
Name "gate_Noah_Alpha"
SemiMajorAxisKM 13325.3
Eccentricity 0.35
Inclination 28.4824
AscendingNode 148.821
ArgOfPericenter 334.907
MeanAnomaly 243.749
Radius 0
PosInNexus 26293 -25227 -11315
Now, how did they put the wormhole model into the scene? this i am not quite sure, but i think what i put in earlier is linked to it....
Here it is again, if you are not sure what im talking about.
Gate -38252 -7141 -50870 0.864 0.097 0.494
I also found this in the same mission file, this has to be connected with the .nexus file somehow...
Name "name_16"
StoryMission 1 6
DefLocation "astfld_Pluto"
AddLocation "fleet_Player"
AddLocation "gate_Sol_Alpha"
If someone can figure out how to add a gate in the solar system editor (code wise, im sure its similar to the code i just highlighted in red) Im sure that would unlock our little mystery here, and we'll be able to POSSIBLY use these in the skirmishers SP settings.
We create a whole new version of the wormhole for the skirmisher, im sure theres coding somewhere that has to do with the ones that appear in multiplayer (when you send ships in to the scene) that we could base them off of.