Okie-dokie people, here are some things I have been able to find during my modding years. Some of these things are new and some are old but not everyone knows about them. I hope, you will find anything useful or interesting in it.
←,↑,→,↓ Changing X and Y coordinates of selected star system
Num 4,8,6,2 Changing X and Y coordinates of selected star system
Ctrl + Shift + Num 2 and 8 Changing Z coordinates of selected star system
Ctrl + Shift + F4 Restarts time and positions of all objects
Ctrl + Shift + Y Unknown command (makes program work slow)
Ctrl + W Summons Watch window
Ctrl + Plus (+) Starts time and jumps forward in time (planets are rotating, comets are moving etc.)
Ctrl + Minus (-) Starts time and jumps backward in time (planets are rotating, comets are moving etc.)
Holding Ctrl + Plus (+) Time flows faster
Holding Ctrl + Minus (-)Time flows faster (reverse)
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Shows stats (fps, poly, line, prts, wrld, box, free)
The travelling parameters of the shot:
<param1>: 5: makes a ship equipped with this device to ram to enemy ship (animation is not working properly)
Ctrl + W Summons Watch window
Ctrl + Shift + J Selection and camera jumps on the first created ship and delets bounds
Ctrl + Shift + Y Creates error – Assertion Failed File:tmovie.cpp Line: 118 Expression: SndTrk.OpenOut(sfn, 0, false)
Ctrl + Shift + Num Delet (,) Delets selected ship
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Shows stats (fps, poly, line, prts, wrld, box, free)
During running mission
Ctrl + Shift + T Opens dialog window
Ctrl + Shift + 1 Hides control GUI
Ctrl + Shift + Del Loosing mission
Ctrl + ↑,↓ Ship stats
+,- Zoom in/out
Ctrl + Q Closing program
S Rising/Dropping shield
0 (Zero) Increasing size of engine flares
Ctrl + 0 (Zero) Decreasing size of engine flares
Ctrl + Right mouse button Rotating ship model
5 Works Everywhere
Ctrl + H Makes screenshot
6 Scripts
GuiSelect(1) - Pre-mission GUI
GuiSelect(2) - Star map GUI
GuiSelect(5) - Options
GuiSelect(6) - Nothing
GuiSelect(7) - Main Menu
GuiSelect(8) - Assertion fail - File: gi.cpp Line:30
GuiSelect(9) - Nothing
GuiSelect(10) - Start Server
GuiSelect(11) to (13) - Unknown Error