Hi there,
I wasn't sure so I put this message in the general section.
This is just to introduce myself a bit...
I bought Nexus in 2004 and I'm still playing it, I think we can say that this is my favorite game

I usually re-play the missions trying new tactics (all laser, all missiles...) like in the...Briseur de Blocus in french, the mission just before the earth big battle. I love to equip the Angelwing with only torpedoes and playing hide and seek with asteroids and the ship's invisibility

I tryied many mods, I'm actually playing "new conflicts" (and loosing at mission 5......) and I like this kind of universe, no shields (yet), crappy human's technologies etc...
Well, I was glad to see the wiki to help me in my learning to mod the game and this forum wich is sill active in 2011 \o/
So this is a thank's ! I will try to spend time to learn Nexus's scripts and creating campaigns, with your help if you're willing to.
Greetings from Switzerland/France