Yeah, me neither. Keyswow seems to be down again

And yes, the build menu coming up every time you select that ship can be quite irritating. That's why I'd attach that script to a non-combat vessel or more suitably a space station. There's no use in making your most valuable battleship the mothership, since the damn build menu will be getting really annoying when trying to fight your foes. I even thought about using these modular space stations to get different build menus... like you get different build options, if you click the shipyard module or the sensor module. Theoreatically it would be even possible to simulate some kind of a research tree, so you'll need to research different technologies to unlock more powerful vessels.
However, this kind of stuff would greatly add to the complexity of the script and right now I just wanted to see, if it can be done at all, and not to produce a worthy Homeworld contestant.

I'm pretty happy with this first version. Proves what one can do with less than 250 lines of code of Nexus scripting...