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Author Topic: Hiding solar systems  (Read 8447 times)

Offline Mularac

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Hiding solar systems
« on: May 16, 2011, 05:53:50 »
Is there a way to hide an entire Solar system from the campaign's galaxy view? (campaing-level scripting)
All I want is for it not to appear on the star map, that's all.

Offline The Old Dragon

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Re: Hiding solar systems
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2011, 14:33:22 »
Hi Mularac,

I don't believe hiding them is an issue, if you look in the .system files of all but the sol system you'll find the following line near the top...


Whereas the sol system has that with out the two forward slashes.

The bit I can't seem to catch is how the game knows when to reveal them? I've been searching the .rules files (the obvious place for this kind of thing) but can't see anything related to the galaxy map. I'll keep searching when I find the time (or untill someone else finds the answer, lol).

Better to look the fool by asking, then prove them right with ignorance.

Offline Mularac

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Re: Hiding solar systems
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2011, 16:39:05 »
Hey, thanks for the tip, worked as a charm. As to how to make them appear: I made a test and it worked like this:
A system will appear in the starmap if it's visited by a briefing OR if it's the current missions' system.
For example, you have two systems, "system_A" and "system_B" and your mission is to take place on "system_A" but the briefing actually takes place on "system_B" both of them will appear in the StarMap when the briefing is done.
And as to make it disappear again, not a clue.

There's also an interesting fact: The mission to play also depends on the briefing, at least partly. Playing, let's say, the breifing for mission 3 it'll call the MissionStart event with the '3' index as mission, same with the MissionEnter event, regardless as to actually where the briefing was called.

Offline GeoModder

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Re: Hiding solar systems
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2011, 19:23:13 »
Just to get clear: it's not possible to go directly to say mission 15 if the briefing for 11 has played out?
Or are you refering to the first number in a mission number (the 1 in this case)?

I'm just wondering because in the New Conflicts campaign somehow you could have different mission later on depending on your decisions during the mission.

Offline Mularac

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Re: Hiding solar systems
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2011, 20:37:36 »
They're different things. The briefing triggers the corresponding MissionStart event. So, if you play a briefing that says: "Mission 1 3", it'll call the MissionStart event of the episode_X.rules with the ActEpisode parameter evaluated in 1 and the ActMission in 3. From there, what mission is played is up to the contents of the MissionEnter rule (with the same parametres as above).

Bottom line the MissionPlayBriefing event is played before the MissionStart event, and not only that, but the briefing actually calls that event. So the cronology would be something like this:

Briefing plays and it calls the MissionStart based on it's "Mission X Y" line -> the MissionStart then calls (after the actual mission) the MissionPlayBriefing based on the uSetNextMission(X,Y); command -> if there's a briefing, it'll be played and the cicle continues, otherwise the MissionStart event is called with those parametres.

So I'd have to answer that, yeah, if the briefing for 11 has played out odds are that the mission 11 will be played, unless you do a pretty shaddy work with conditionals and ifs in the MissionStart and MissionEnter event.