yeah, of course. I can loan you a piece of code, the event in question, but I doubt the problem will reproduce in your end... it seems to be a very picky bug... and I can't let you have the whole piece of code (a mission) since it's sensitive unreleased material... but here's the rule that's been giving me trouble (one of many)
RULE event Reinforcements
SelectEx(s.ship & s.race=#race_player,
e.randVec := Vnorm(VRandomDir());
e.mult := round(rnd(21000,23000));
e.attackVec:= Vadd(m.pen:position, vMul(e.mult,e.randVec));
e.camVec := Vadd(m.pen:position, vMul(e.mult-5000,e.randVec));
camMoveTo(e.camVec:x, e.camVec:y, e.camVec:z, e.attackVec:x, e.attackVec:y, e.attackVec:z, 1, 5);
e.vec := vAdd(e.attackVec,vec(-3097, 1528, -1155));
e.vec2 := vAdd(e.attackVec,vec(3097, 1528, -1155));
e.sel := MEvent(Create_place_super_wraithcruiser_trio, e.coord := p.attackVec ; e.machine := M:GetMachine("Main") );
e.sel :=MEvent(Create_place_super_wraithcruiser_trio, e.coord := p.vec ; e.machine := M:GetMachine("Main") );
// sel := MEvent(Create_place_super_wraithcruiser_trio, e.coord := vec2 ; e.machine := M:GetMachine("Main") );
// ExecList(sel,
// M:GetMachine("Hyperspace"):ChangeState(InitJP,e.ship1:=s.this);
// );
:end //For some reason, in this event, all the "e." variables didn't work at all...
//So I just used regular ones. A bit messier, I know, but the only option I could think of...
The STATE's name's Reinforcements and the parent machine is Machine "Main"
I never really got to test anything past the vAdd line, as it'll give me an error there, as the game would interpeitate e.randVec as 0 and not a vector