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During coding/scripting/modding - what music do you listen to?

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Do you even listen to anything at all or do you prefer to work in absolute silence?

Just curious ;)

Personally, I like to listen to some calm, soothing music in the background, preferably without any singing whatsoever. This usually helps me a great deal to get "into the zone" and just start solving whatever problem gets in my way. Some movie soundtracks are great for this - for example my standard go-to music would be the "Kundun" soundtrack by Philip Glass:

Kundun (Soundtrack) - 18 Escape to India

It's not really that calm and soothing, but has a certain ... uh ... atmosphere (?) ... don't know why, but I could listen to this the whole day and just be productive.

Any favourites of yours?

Not any favourite really, I just press play and let any music fill the air. It's a big shuffle between Credence, ACDC, Iron Maiden, Linkin Park, a couple of Argie rock groups, REM, Queen and a couple more.
But the funny thing is that I don't pay any sort of attention to the music... more than one time my player froze for x reason (a track in an unrecognised software, a glitch, whatever) and it can be hours before I notice that the music stopped playing :P
And most times I just forget to even start the damn thing, so it can be safe to assume that I do most of my work in silence...

But the whole sooting music in the background does sound like a good idea... what drove you into it?


--- Quote from: Mularac on April 10, 2011, 21:26:56 ---But the whole sooting music in the background does sound like a good idea... what drove you into it?

--- End quote ---
Don't know. Coding in silence works, too, although usually there is always some kind of distracting background noise - music helps to hide this noise and to set a relaxing tone in the background instead. I usually choose slower instrumental pieces, so I won't get distracted by the vocals or the aggressive beats.

It's not a must for me, just a habit. ;)

Bleh, double post, but these are pretty good, too:


BRIAN ENO - AN ENDING (ascent) (The video's owner prevents external embedding)

Either silence, or else music from within the game. In the case of Nexus that means the original game music or the music from the mods within the game. So lately I 'discovered' Freespace music. ;)


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