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During coding/scripting/modding - what music do you listen to?

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I need to get rid of noises of urban environment around me, so music is sure choice for me during modding. Arch Enemy, Battlelore, Darzmat, ReVamp, Tarja and other things from such genre.

Well, for me it mostly depends on what I'm coding and how tired I am. If I'm going to be coding for a while or I'm tired I generally listen to trance, techno, or metal. If I'm awake or don't need to go at the code for a long time it's normally some battle music, such as the tracks I've included in my mod. Though, sometimes silence works nicely to  ;)

Well, I don't really code, or mod. But I write!

It's the same thing is it not?? If my opinion mattes, I'll say that I listen to soft Rock, & Classical Music.

Like Alanis Morissette, Andrea Bocelli, Death Cab for Cutie, some Bach, & Coldplay/Snow Patrol/The Postal Service...etc...

The Old Dragon:
I don't like working in silence, drives me mad. But as for what I listen to? I have quite wide ranging tastes, sometimes it's the likes of Rainbow & Led Zepplin... Evanescence or Within Temptation.

Softer, slower music like Fleetwood Mac or Amy MacDonald  works a treat too. And then there's quite a bit in between as well, too much to mention.


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