Nexus Modding > Game Assets

Coverting ships

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The Old Dragon:
I've added a guide for the Nexus Converter to the Nexus Wiki, you can find it here...

He, The Old Dragon. I've downloaded and read your other guide as well.
This looks realy great. I didn't saw this however on the nexus wiki.
Thanks! Great work.  :)

The Old Dragon:
Hey there Blazar,

You're welcome  ;), only wrote it last night after reading the thread. Thinking back, I seem to remember having a few problems getting the converter to work at first.

Happy modding...


--- Quote from: The Old Dragon on March 18, 2011, 08:40:24 ---only wrote it last night after reading the thread. Thinking back, I seem to remember having a few problems getting the converter to work at first.

--- End quote ---

Ahh, ok awesome. Whats also a nice tip was that you can quikly check the models in the Model viewer and that the converted file gets stored in the temp file of the main nexus folder.

There is however a conflict between 1 aspect of the tutorial and that of arparso's above.
He is stating this

--- Quote from: Arparso on March 17, 2011, 20:43:13 ---
[Source Root:
The source folder for all the art assets you want to convert (meshes, textures, sounds, etc.). This is set by default to the "__work\art" subfolder of your mod directory. I recommend just using that default name.

--- End quote ---

But you are stating this:

Step 3)
Clear the entry in the 'Source Root' field, if you don't the converter will tell you where to go. More on this in a bit. Leave the 'Destination Root' alone.

Now in step three, I said 'More on this in a bit.' Well that bit's here now. Take a look in the 'Source Files' box at the files you've just added, you'll notice that they have a full path directory already. If you leave the 'source root' entry in, then you'll be asking the game to navigate to your mod and then look for the drive that the game has been installed into... not gonna happen. So clear the 'source root'!

I didn't had time yet to try either of them because i am trying out the Model Viewer but later i guess will try both options.

Thanks to both of you very very much  ;D

I don't quite understand, why you'd want to clear the source root. I didn't and the converter finds my files just fine. It even displays nice, clean, short relative paths to the files in the "Source Files" box instead of the longer absolute paths like in Old Dragon's pictures in the Wiki.


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