When I use the EMP code, it crashes nexus on missions. On the beta stand alone mission, it works fine. I think it's adding a new ship class to the missions, but it could be a bug. Take a look at the code and see if there are any errors. I'v disabled the emp in the missions. This is the latest version.
//phaser mod by Lord Valarian
MACHINE "EMPtorpedo"
STATE Default
//disable continous fire
RULE event In
Debug("EMP setup");
EMP_Ships:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Ships, 0);
EMP_Device_List:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Device_List, 0);
SelectShips(EMP_Ships, 1);
If(AllNumOf(EMP_Ships)>0, //if list not blank, damage devices
SelectDevices(EMP_Device_List, S.this, S.this:devType = #weap_emp_torpedo);
S.this:contFire:= 0;
//check for any exploding EMP Torpedos
RULE event Exploded
// E:ship -> the missile
// E:ship:launcherWeapon -> the torpedo launcher having fired that missile
// E:ship:launcherWeapon:devType -> the launcher's devicetype
E:ship:launcherWeapon:devType = #weap_emp_torpedo;
// Debug(S.this, " distance from target= ", Distance_To_Target_Ship);
Debug("EMP exploded");
Debug("Target is", E:ship:target);
EMP_Ships:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Ships, 0);
EMP_Ships_ShieldsUp:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Ships_ShieldsUp, 0);
EMP_Ships_Shieldsdown:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Ships_Shieldsdown, 0);
EMP_Device_List:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Device_List, 0);
EMP_Fighters_Missiles:= GetFreeSel();
SelectShips(EMP_Fighters_Missiles, 0);
//master list of ships
SelectShips(EMP_Ships, IsValid(s.this) & (Distance(E:ship:target, S.this) < 5000));
// & not(s.race = #race_Locust));
Debug("master list of ships"); Dump(EMP_Ships); Debug("---------------------------------");
// CopyIf(to-list, from-list, condition);
//Ships hit by emp with shield up
CopyIf(EMP_Ships_ShieldsUp, EMP_Ships, S.this:IsShielded);
Debug("Ships Shields Up"); Dump(EMP_Ships_ShieldsUp); Debug("---------------------------------");
If(AllNumOf(EMP_Ships_ShieldsUp)>0, //if list not blank, damage shields
Shield_Energy_Level:= S.this:shieldIntegrity - 100;
if (Shield_Energy_Level < 0,
Shield_Energy_Level:= 0;
S.this:shieldIntegrity:= Shield_Energy_Level;
//Ships hit by emp with shield down
CopyIf(EMP_Ships_Shieldsdown, EMP_Ships, S.this:IsShielded = 0 );
Debug("Ships Shields Down"); Dump(EMP_Ships_Shieldsdown); Debug("---------------------------------");
If(AllNumOf(EMP_Ships_Shieldsdown)>0, //if list not blank, damage devices
//if not hit by a previous emp
if (S.this:empFlag = 0,
S.this:empFlag:= 1;
// Debug(S.this, " Devices Disabled: emp flag= ", S.this:empFlag);
//damage level based on range from emp blastwave center
Distance_To_Target_Ship:= Distance(E:ship:target, S.this);
if (Distance_To_Target_Ship = 0,
LowRange:= 50;
HighRange:= 100;
if ((Distance_To_Target_Ship > 0) & (Distance_To_Target_Ship <= 1000),
LowRange:= 35;
HighRange:= 100;
if ((Distance_To_Target_Ship > 1000) & (Distance_To_Target_Ship <= 3000),
LowRange:= 25;
HighRange:= 75;
if ((Distance_To_Target_Ship > 3000) & (Distance_To_Target_Ship < 5000),
LowRange:= 10;
HighRange:= 50;
//damage devices
SelectDevices(EMP_Device_List, S.this, 1);
ExecList(EMP_Device_List, //damage devices
Device_HP := S.this:hpMax;
newDamage := S.this:damage + rnd(LowRange, HighRange);
if(newDamage>100, newDamage:=100);
//emp disables devices for a period of time
EnableDevice(S.this, 0);
Timer(EMP_Enable_Devices, 60 + round(rnd(0,60)), E.ship := S.this);
S.this:shieldIntegrity:= 0;
S.this:reserve:= 0;
//destory fighters, bombers, missiles
SelectBoats(EMP_Fighters_Missiles, IsValid(s.this) & not(s.class = #cls_EMP_torpedo));
Debug("EMP_Fighters_Missiles"); Dump(EMP_Fighters_Missiles); Debug("---------------------------------");
// calculate new damage level after decreasing ship's HP by X points
E:newDamage := s:damage + (100 / s:hpMax) * 100;
// apply damage to the ship
S:damage := E:newDamage;
// calculate new hpCur using the current damage level
s:hpCur := (100 - E:newDamage) / 100 * s:hpMax;
Debug(S.this, " current HP:", s:hpCur, "/", S.this:hpMax, " (", 100-E:newDamage, "%)");
RULE event EMP_Enable_Devices
E.ship:empFlag:= 0;
// Debug(E.ship, " Devices Enabled: emp flag= ", E.ship:empFlag);
SelectDevices(EMP_Device_List, E.ship, 1);
EnableDevice(S.this, 1);