Ok guys, I got ourselves a home. The site is
https://www.assembla.com/ You need to make yourself an account there and then post it in on this site so I can invite you to the project.
The project's url is:
https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/nexustjicepmod/But since it's not Open Source, the only way to access that is if you become part of the project.
Assembla provided us with our own SVN repository. For the ones of you that don't know what SVN is, I'll tell you.
SVN is a software versioning and a revision control system.
How does it work?
By a simpe 3 step mechanics.
Step 1:
Before you start to work you UPDATE. This will (of course) bring you to the latest revision, changing, adding, deleting and merging all modified files since the last time you updated.
ALWAYS remember to Update before begining to work.
Step 2:
While you're working and you've achived something (finished a piece of code, cleaned up a bug, etc) you COMMIT. When you commit you'll bring the SVN repository to a new revision, marked by your changes. But before you actually press the commit button is of good practise to hit the Update one again, in case someone has made any modifications since you started working.
Step 3:
When pressing the commit buttom, a window will appear (if you're using the program turtoiseSVN, which'll be the one I'll be using as example) showing you all the changes you've done while you were working. There, you can choose which ones to commit and which won't (it'd be best if you only commited finished or at least clean partial code, nothing half-done or something like that) and finally, write down a summary of your change log in the designated "message" area. This is very important, always leave a message when you commit, always. Otherwise it'll be quite tedius to keep track of our project.
And an optional step 4: Undo any possible merging problems (this'll happen when SVN tries to merge two modified files by two different people and for some reason the two files differ too much for it to do a proper merge and it can't tell appart which one is right. If you've followed all steps this is very unlikely to occur, but still)
Ok, that's how SVN works, now how to make it work on your computer. If you're on windows I recommend the program
Ok, once you've installed your favourite SVN program on your computer, it's time to do the Checkout. In case of tortoiseSVN, doing so is very simple, as it's a shell program, fully integrated with windows Explorer. All you have to do is right click on the folder you'll choose to keep our project in and then click on SVN Checkout. This will automatically download all the files of the latest revision. It'll ask you for the SVN url, to which you have to paste the one that appears in upper section of this post and done! You're good to go to start working.

To update and commit using turtoiseSVN: Simply right click on any on the project's folder (
nexustjicepmod) and then click on
SVN update or
SVN Commit... depending which action you want to perform.