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Author Topic: [Tool] Tacticstype tool  (Read 20496 times)

Offline Mularac

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[Tool] Tacticstype tool
« on: September 15, 2010, 02:51:35 »
Ok guys, time for a small update on this tool:

I added a small but critical function, now you can choose which tags to search the tacticstype.ini and/or modify it accordingly.

For example, you may  now choose to only re-arrange the  DEVICETYPES and the SHIPCLASS, to make an example.

Tacticstype tool 2.2


You'll need the latest Java build for this program to work.

This is an open-source project, so you can get the source files here, via SVN:

Feedback is, as always, welcome.

This is the 2.2 version, if you continue reading you'll found the description and download link of the old 1.0 one.


Hi fellas, a few weeks ago I completed and thoroughly tested a small tool I made in C that reads the tacticstypes.ini or efx.ini (or mod_efx.ini, makes no difference) and has as an output file a txt with the free slots for DEVICETYPE, SHIPCLASS, SHIPTYPE and EFX on said files. It can also make you a new tacticstype or efx.ini file with all the numbers of devicetypes, shipclasses, etc, in numerical order.

It's quite simple tool, less than 350 lines, so if you for some reason want the source file I'd be more than pleased to give it to you.

here's a link to it:


Usage: Open a windows terminal (either type "cmd" in the search tab or go to run and type "cmd" (withouth the inverted comas in both cases, of course)

Then navigate towards the directory where you placed the tool (type cd and the path) and then invoke it like this: (or just type tacticstype_tool.exe and this message will appear in the command promt)

Usage: first parametres: -t it means that you wish to read the tacticstype.ini file.  -e it means that you wish to read the efx.ini or mod_efx.ini file

Second parametres: -r it means that you want to only check for the available numbers, not modify it. -m it means that you want to modify the file by placing all the tag's (SHIPCLASS, SHIPTYPE, EFX, etc) numbers in ascending order -mr or -rm you've guessed it, it'll do both of above things.

Third parametre: the third and last parametre is the path (absolute or relative) to the file to be read The newly created files will be dumped on the directory from where this program was called.

Example of usage: tacticstypes_tool.exe -t -r c:Program FilesNexus - The Jupiter Incidentmodsuniversetacticstacticstypes.ini
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 16:10:57 by Mularac »

Offline Dkarr420

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RE: tacticstype_tool.exe
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 04:40:02 »
I've downloaded and tried the program, I tried the command tacticstype_tool.exe and when I got the program open inside the command window and used the actual command -t -r pathdirectory and it displayed invalid ammount of arguments... Any ideas?

Offline Mularac

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(No subject)
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 10:21:48 »
uhm... that's odd. Could you post a snapshot of your command prompt when issuing the command?

Offline Mularac

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Re: [Tool] Tacticstype tool
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 22:19:06 »
Hi again. Seeing how aweful it was to use this tool in a command promt, I decided to completely re-do the project, in Java this time.

It now has a more powerful algorithm and a (somewhat crappy) graphich interface.

Tacticstype tool 2.0

mirror 1
mirror 2

This is an open-source project, so if you want, you can get the source files here

You'll need the latest Java build for this program to work.

Feedback is, as always, welcome. And Arparso, could you delete the previous posts? I don't see how they're relevant anymore...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 22:31:09 by Mularac »

Offline Mularac

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Re: [Tool] Tacticstype tool
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2011, 22:49:35 »
Ok guys, time for a small update on this tool:

I added a small but critical function, now you can choose which tags to search the tacticstype.ini and/or modify it accordingly.

For example, you may  now choose to only re-arrange the  DEVICETYPES and the SHIPCLASS, to make an example.

Tacticstype tool 2.2


You'll need the latest Java build for this program to work.

This is an open-source project, so you can get the source files here, via SVN:
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 16:10:40 by Mularac »

Offline Lt.Brandon

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Re: [Tool] Tacticstype tool
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2011, 03:32:24 »
I have no idea why, but using this causes my display drivers to flip out on my new computer. It worked perfectly fine before.

I'm running Win7 Ult. x64 with a Sapphire Radeon 5770 if that helps you, I don't get any sort of crash report from the driver so I can't post much more than that.

Edit: Huh, it also seems to not even make the modified file, I'm thinking my java might be screwing up. I'll try updating that and report back.

Edit2: Well it wasn't that so now I have no clue what it might be, Minecraft works fine and so does every other java using thing I have.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 03:43:04 by Lt.Brandon »

Offline Mularac

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Re: [Tool] Tacticstype tool
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2011, 04:47:30 »
That's extremely odd. Perhap's it's swing not working correctly on your computer... try compiling the files yourself, you can find the source files in the svn link I posted, and you can use ant to compite it or any Java IDE.

To use ant: Download it and install it (it would probably ask you where your Java JDK is located, just look it up in your default program files, it should be there (unless you installed it elsewhere)). Then, open cmd command prompt, go to the folder where you checked you the TTool project and run ant. That should generate a .jar file in that folder. See if that works.

EDIT: Damn... It seems the files in the SVN repository are outdated... they contain either the 2.1 or 2.0 version, not the 2.2 one... and I don't have the source files anymore...
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 05:10:40 by Mularac »

Offline Lt.Brandon

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Re: [Tool] Tacticstype tool
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2011, 07:17:27 »

EDIT: Damn... It seems the files in the SVN repository are outdated... they contain either the 2.1 or 2.0 version, not the 2.2 one... and I don't have the source files anymore...

Haha, don't you just love when that happens?

Either way I found the problem, I wasn't using the JDK I was only using the JRE. For whatever reason, it wanted the JDK instead of the JRE.

Offline Mularac

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Re: [Tool] Tacticstype tool
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2011, 13:27:19 »
That's definately weird. I wasn't using the JDK either and it worked fine on my... oh well.
And yeah.... If I ever attempt to make a 2.3 version, I'm going to have to the 2.2 again... what a blow (admitely, it wasn't much... only a couple hours of work, but still...)