If you love SciFi and Space-Sims as much as me and always wanted to have a more realistic flying experience than what's being offered by the likes of FreeSpace or Wing Commander, then look no further: do yourself a treat and go buy "Edge of Chaos" at
Good Old Games (gog.com) for just $5.99, if you don't own it already. It's an open-world, story-driven space-sim featuring true Newtonion physics and realistically sized, freely explorable solar systems complete with an abundance of space stations and intergalactic merchants just waiting to be stripped of their valuable cargo.
It really is something special and definitely not your run-of-the-mill action-game.
Heck, if you're at it, just get the predecessor, too. There's no open world to explore there, but story and missions are excellently designed and you'll truly feel like the commander of an actual corvette-size vessel (if you overcome the obviously dated graphics, of course). It's also available at
Good Old Games including the expansion pack for the same $5.99.
Ahhh, good old times...