Hello, Every so many years i feel the need to dust off my copy of Nexus,
now i started changing the single player part, like making my own guns and stuff adding them to each mission, changing ship mesh's and slots etc all that good stuff.
the one thing i cant seem to do is create a
new ship and get it to work in SP mode, I did the tactictypes shiptype shipclass, then made entries in shipclass.ini shiptypes.ini
Example made new ship for like mission 1 replaced the Stiletto id in player_fleet.sobj with the id of my new ship, and that seems to work start the game and ship is there and working until end of mission when i try to access the ship config screen "CRASH" DX9 error something, im missing something somewhere and cant seem to find it, im thinking that i need to un .dat
ofter nexus files other than nexus_00.dat and dap or are the ships hard coded or something.
Little direction would be great if anyone can help....... Thanks you
edit P.S Love the Skirmisher the cinema mode is great love watching my ships fight