While looking for particles of Nexus on Google, i stumbled upon the following movie, which displays the particle system of the Battlestar Galactica Mod.
Youtube LinkOk, since iam new to modding Nexus take this suggestion with care. I actually started thinking about this because of the comment to the video.
#By Mazryonh:
It's too bad that the particles of impacts (and also the particles of destroyed missiles) pass right through the model's polygons. Maybe the engine for N:TJI2 would fix this.
I think you can easily fix this by creating a particle/emitter that has a CONE or projection geometry instead of SPHERE projection geometry. Read Page 44 of the modding manual about emitter description for more info about it, because it also states that u can project a cone in the opposite direction of the impact direction.
For the missile explosion traveling threw the ship. Well, that is because of the e.wind statement, which allows a emitter to travel the same path as the previous effect or model it is aassigned to. I think when u delete it, the explosion will stop at the position of impact or when it gets destroyed.
Iam just downloading the mod right now, so i havent tried them, will take a look soon

. Well i just didnt like the quote that N:TJI2 would fix this, hope it was some help