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General Discussion / Re: State of things
« Last post by GeoModder on April 28, 2016, 11:25:13 »
And Makemake seems to have a moon. Time for an update...
General Discussion / Re: State of things
« Last post by Sargoth on April 27, 2016, 22:22:19 »
Bots, bots everywhere ;)
Scripting / Re: Add Ships to Single Player Camp....
« Last post by The Old Dragon on April 26, 2016, 08:36:05 »
Could you give more details about what you're looking to do, please?
General Discussion / Re: State of things
« Last post by The Old Dragon on April 26, 2016, 08:31:56 »
Hi Thornard,

In brief, Nordic have now bought the game and released a patch to get the game up to date and running on modern windows. You can get the details here...

They haven't updated the game itself as such, but there are some of us reworking the models and textures in our spare time.
Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: [CEP]Sol System retex
« Last post by GeoModder on April 25, 2016, 11:13:20 »
The CEP causing crashes? How's that even possible when it isn't available for download. :P
Multiplayer / Re: Can't play MP
« Last post by GeoModder on April 07, 2016, 17:15:35 »
Depends which version of Nexus you have.
The version on sale at Steam should have MP capability after the latest patch (version 1.02).
I haven't seen that much activity in the lobby. When I start a game sometimes somebody wanders in, but not many people start a MP server.
Multiplayer / Can't play MP
« Last post by Ajic on April 03, 2016, 22:48:35 »
Hello, is there way to play Nexus in MP. I have tried to play with a friend thru Steam but we cant see each others game, then we tried with hamachi and we have same problem. So does any one have idea how to get MP to work. Sorry for bad English.

PS is there any active MP community for this game?
Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: CEP Revival?
« Last post by Multigun on March 28, 2016, 08:16:35 »
Right I get that, I do the same thing with my modeling too. It just some of the separated out pieces don't really make sense. Again, it could just be that it's the "old school" way of modeling and how textures worked back in 2004, so I might be just over analyzing the model. In my folder on the dropbox, I added a few screenshots of what I mean. I'll add my thoughts on those screenshots in the chat log also.

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: CEP Revival?
« Last post by The Old Dragon on March 27, 2016, 20:46:40 »
By 'separated pieces' I take it you mean the labels like 'mtl_masodgyuruoldal' or 'mtl_hosszufeher'? In LW, the model is all in the first layer.

On the models we're rebuilding, apart from '__inscription__', they are simply surface names. Probably to help make selecting certain surfaces easier - certainly an approach I use with my models.

Once we get to the finishing stages and add the parameters then some of these names will be important and normally start and end with a '#'. The guide you referenced in your first post goes through that in a bit more detail than what's in the manual.
Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: CEP Revival?
« Last post by Multigun on March 27, 2016, 01:17:32 »
Ah I see it! Cleared up a few questions I had (and noticed some other stuff that I will work on improving). The only other question I had is why there are so many separated pieces on the Kissaki_b model (each correlating to a different texture/material) when they don't appear to have any purpose animation wise. Maybe targeting, or perhaps that's just how artists modeled back in the day. Never the less, I'll use the Kissaki_b model as my first guinea pig.
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