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Messages - Mularac

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 22
General Discussion / Re: Nordic buys Imperium Galactica
« on: February 03, 2016, 13:52:45 »
It lists IG2 as working on iOS and android, are we to expect a mobile version of that game? is that why they purchased the franchise?

Well, it it brings life into the old franchise, I won't object. And it'd be kinda cool to play it on a touchscreen

Scripting / Re: Speeding up the IP drive
« on: November 24, 2015, 23:35:38 »
Yeah, I wrote that code for the Stargate mod. I'm making a cannon mod, though. So I need the IP drive animation and stuff.
Oh well. My chief concern was that in this mod, using the ip drive in the middle of combat should be a viable tactic, but since it takes forever and drops your shield to boot, it's not optimal. I'll try and see if a small script that reduces the damage taken or install a massive-strength Counter Measures balances it somewhat.

Scripting / Re: Speeding up the IP drive
« on: November 24, 2015, 03:20:51 »
Thought so... My own testing showed that the time was relative to the speed of the engine... up to some extent. Now I'm debating bothering to create a script to replace the engines of ships once they activated the ip drive... but I'm pretty sure it'll be more trouble than what it's worth.

Scripting / Speeding up the IP drive
« on: November 21, 2015, 23:48:01 »
Anyone knows of a way to speed up the IP drive charge? I don't want something instantaneous, but a good 5 or 10 seconds less would be very welcome. Specially on the bigger ships.

Scripting / Re: IDEs and custom language
« on: November 17, 2015, 13:14:25 »
Many Thanks! It works and is very helpful indeed.

Scripting / Re: IDEs and custom language
« on: November 13, 2015, 14:29:37 »
Drat. Some years ago (! time sure does fly) I've created a custom one... with collapsable rules and states... Now I'm too lazy to do it again.

Scripting / IDEs and custom language
« on: November 12, 2015, 20:09:05 »
Hi! What IDEs are you currently using to script Nexus? Have you defined a custom language for those IDEs?

Are you willing to share it?
This post is one part census, one part shamelessly begging for a pretty script that highlights relevants parts in colors and stuff. I'm currently using Notepad++ with 'C' language on, but something with some expanded functionality in our beloved modding language will be welcomed.

Off-Topic / Re: Hello... Anyone here?
« on: October 26, 2015, 16:17:44 »
Hi! Long time no see guys.
I've gotten a couple of mails about my abandoned mod, which was surprising, so I'm slowly coming from my Nexus-exile to at least try and finish it. Thought this place would be first stop.
It's great seeing it active! (somewhat). Expect a fair bit of technical questions this upcoming days, as I become re-entangled with Nexus modding.

Multiplayer / Re: como istalo nexus jupiter
« on: October 11, 2012, 21:44:07 »
Lo podes comprar por steam por alrededor de 10 dolares o en GoG, tambien por 10 dolares. Buscalo en ambas paginas.
Fuera de eso lo podes piratear, pero no te puedo ayudar en ese frente, lo siento.

Help / Technical Support / Re: Stargate war begins and Nexus Skirmisher
« on: September 18, 2012, 00:32:04 »
X:\...\Nexus: The Jupiter Incident\mods\Stargate mod\universe\mod_missions

Help / Technical Support / Re: Stargate war begins and Nexus Skirmisher
« on: September 15, 2012, 18:32:56 »
Stupid question, did you select the Stargate mod from the mods drop down menu AS WELL as the Stargate War Begins mission type?

Scripting / Re: DX9 Error
« on: August 29, 2012, 04:31:25 »
Yes, but that's the whole point of having a compiler, so that when you encounter an error you can safely assume it's not a typo or something of the sort, making the debugging process more straightforward.

Scripting / Re: DX9 Error
« on: August 28, 2012, 23:36:00 »
Those things are a pain, I know... Cursed be nexus and his lazy compiler... When it bothers to compile at all. My experience with campaign coding have lead me the disgusting reality that there's no such thing at campaign level, the game just interpreting the script as it goes and crashimg when it encounters any error

General Discussion / Re: Nexus Launcher beta - need feedback
« on: August 28, 2012, 13:04:20 »
If you can't even access the mod with the game's launcher then the error is on your end, not Arparso's launcher.
What's the content of the Freespace Evolution folder?

Scripting / Re: DX9 Error
« on: August 28, 2012, 12:59:53 »
I remember having such an error, however the circunstances and how I fixed it are long gone... It's a runtime error, at least, or otherwise the mod's compiler would have picked up on it. See which rules are being run at the very start of the mission, the bug is most likely there.

General Discussion / Re: Nexus Launcher beta - need feedback
« on: August 21, 2012, 23:46:21 »
and you could access those mods using nexus own launcher?

What do you mean, finding the missions? Ingame so you can play, or the physical script so you can mod it?

If you meant the 1 one, the mission should have appeared on the ingame menu that appears as soon as you launch the mod (if it doesn't, please outline in detail what you've done to install the mod and the skirmisher)

In the 2 case, the mission files are located on the folder "X:\...\Nexus - The jupiter incident\mods\Stargate the war begins\mod_missions\"
Look for the one with the same nane as the one you've just created

Then it should work, what steps are you doing to start the mod?

And what's inside of that folder?

All the mods go to the folder "mods" that it's in your nexus tji main folder, in your case it probably is in:
"x:\...\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Nexus - The Jupiter Incident\"

Just extract the mod and put that folder in the mods one, so it ends up looking something like this:

"...\mods\STEC" and inside that folder there are a bunch of ones like universe, meshes, sound, music, textures, etc.

Then when you launch the skirmisher it should appear the STEC option.

Multiplayer / Re: Nexus multiplay is lost
« on: July 19, 2012, 19:13:46 »
Nexus' servers are long gone, the only way to play mp is through LAN or hamachi.

Help / Technical Support / Re: help with nexus launcher?
« on: June 25, 2012, 18:10:28 »
@Geo: It's arparso's launcher, it's somewhere in this site.

@Sartellus: Try and dowload the latest .Net Framework.

General Discussion / Re: State of things
« on: June 23, 2012, 02:44:54 »
it is, but I'm not part of it, at least for now. The Conquest mod is taking up all my effort and concentration, and trying to work on two campaign will surely overcome my tolerance for frustration.
The sad thing is that the Stargate mod's first campaign is about 70% done... and it's only lacking 3 missions and abut 6 briefings. I'll probably shift my attention to that once I achieve a stable build of the Conquest mod.

General Discussion / Re: State of things
« on: June 23, 2012, 02:02:02 »
I'm slowly coming back to modding after a long hiatus, currently working exclusively in the Conquest mod, which is coming along at a slow pace (but I think that the hard part is over, so I'm hopeful)

Modding or not, I still visit this site often, though.
How about you? Still working on the freespace mod?

General Discussion / Re: New Member- sortof
« on: May 08, 2012, 06:30:43 »
I suggest you leave sound effects to the last part of the development of your game, since the scripts can and will vary from time to time, and you'll probably have to re-do some of them, or get stuck with ones you've made in the past.
In the meantime, music and sound effects can be easily replaced by placeholders.

P.D: OGG files are solely used for music tracks, for misc sound files, such as dialogs, weapons, engines, etc, mono wav is used.

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