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Messages - zerocold

Pages: [1]
Multiplayer / Re: So anyone want to play some multiplayer?
« on: October 01, 2012, 09:17:03 »
Awesome :) If youd like to send me a message with some times you are available that would be great!  We could also create a hamachi network.  Even if were going to play on tunngle hamachi helps just to see when we are both online/use the chat feature to find times.  The friend list and messaging features on tunngle are quite buggy.  Let me know :D

General Discussion / Re: Nexus 2 NOW ON KICKSTARTER
« on: October 01, 2012, 09:14:12 »
Well ive given as much as I can afford.  I wish I could give more :/

Multiplayer / So anyone want to play some multiplayer?
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:31:03 »
So anyone want to play some multiplayer? :D Could use hamachi, tunngle etc. just let me know!

General Discussion / Re: State of things
« on: July 09, 2012, 05:28:53 »
Yea, I don't really understand why NBC did that.  Seems like a foolish idea for them business wise.  And it just sucks in general.  I did manage to find a download of 4.1 beta, it took forever.  I'd be happy to post the links if anyone wants it.  I hope the guys doing the nexus project are still moving forward with the development.  The mod was awesome so far.

Does anyone still arrange games of nexus?  Id love to play online sometime.

Also, I'm having a difficult time understanding and actually using the absolute movement feature (where you hold shift).  I really want to move my ships manually around the battlefield.  But whenever I try to do this they end up going somewhere else.  The manuals explanation of how to use this function is severely lacking and I cant find any help online.  Any tips?  thanks.

General Discussion / Re: State of things
« on: July 08, 2012, 08:06:24 »
Soooo, how is everyone? Is there still somebody modding and/or playing Nexus? Some people still visiting this forum?

hello everyone.

I just got Nexus today and downloaded your skirmisher program.  I just wanted to thank you for that and say yes, some people are still playing Nexus :D 

Do you have any tips for learning what is what in terms of customizing the ships load outs in your skirmisher program?  I can tell what some of them are, but it is a little confusing.  Also, I had been looking at it for a while, but now that I finally have nexus the battlestar galactica mods have all been taken down.  Has anybody heard whether the team on the Nexus BSG mod is still moving forward with development?

thanks again.

edit:I just found a link to the nexus wiki page from this forum that lists all the names of the components.  This forum is awesome :D 

Pages: [1]