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Messages - geksz

Pages: [1]
Multiplayer / Re: So anyone want to play some multiplayer?
« on: October 08, 2012, 08:56:40 »
Have you tried the nexus hub hamachi network? Or is that down already? Anyway, I'll install Hamachi soon(tm). If the other guys' Hamachi rooms are down you can create a new, and post it here maybe, so more people can join!:)

Multiplayer / Re: So anyone want to play some multiplayer?
« on: September 29, 2012, 19:41:01 »
I would like to on tunngle!:)

Multiplayer / New LAN emulator MP platform - Tunngle
« on: April 09, 2012, 12:09:41 »
Hi all!

There is a sort of new, free "LAN emulator Multiplayer platform" called Tunngle:
It is free, dedicated to gaming, and has 255 player limit per room. It has a lot of functionality for gaming.

And it already has a Nexus The Jupiter Incident room!:) Come and let's play together! ;D

From the site:
"Tunngle is a revolutionary p2p VPN tool that delivers the best online entertainment experience.
Tunngle is specifically designed to allow PC gamers all over the world to comfortably play their games over the Internet while enjoying all the commodities of a Local Area Network party.
Tunngle is literally built around games. Each game has its own public network. Each network comes with its own chat! You can bookmark, list and search!
Tunngle comes with its own integrated messenger. Adding buddies, making friends is just a few mouse clicks away!"

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