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Messages - Death3ye

Pages: [1]
Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: April 15, 2010, 23:48:38 »
Skin shields means, that the shields forms no bubble but it lies directly on the hull.

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: April 13, 2010, 16:16:09 »
I got now lightwave and here is the result:

Is it possible to have skin shields ?

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: April 12, 2010, 17:21:52 »
Milkshape can export to a msh format but that is from orbiter, the  Orbiter Mesh ASCII. I don't know if this is compatible.

I got a model from the Normandy SR-2, now i want to make it useable in Nexus. I read the modeling chapter in the modding tutorial but i don't have lightwave only 3ds max . Is there away to accomplish my goal with 3ds max ? When yes how ?


Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: April 12, 2010, 03:08:29 »
Here my newest version:

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: April 11, 2010, 01:15:48 »
Here my first attempt:

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: April 10, 2010, 20:06:36 »
Thanks, do you have other useful info for me becaue i'm new to modding.

Mod Development / Released Mods / Mass Effect 2 Thanix Cannon
« on: April 10, 2010, 18:04:24 »
i got an idea for a new weapon from Mass Effect 2. "The Thanix Cannon".
(Endgame Spoiler)
start at 1min and you see the weapon.

Powerful beam cannon that rips through shields and hulls. It's like the ori beam weapon.
What needs to be done to have this weapon in nexus ?

Pages: [1]