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« on: April 09, 2010, 21:05:37 »Quote
LockIndexBuffer most likely refers to a Direct3D call and has nothing do with weapon hardpoints. An IndexBuffer is a list of indices pointing into a VertexBuffer holding the 3d mesh information. It is used to tell the the graphics card how to connect all the vertices, that make up the 3d model. Usually three consecutive indices make up a triangle, so IndexBuffer entries of {2, 3, 0} inform the graphics hardware, that vertices 2, 3 and 0 in the VertexBuffer together form a triangle.
Concluding that, locking the index buffer is a purely graphics related call to Direct3D and should have nothing to do with weapon hardpoints or gameplay at all.
True of course, and I'm in agreement for the most part, but as i said, this parenthesized information is one of several variants i see following that script, they may all affect D3D, but i'm just trying to be certain that's true for all of them before i write them all off as that.
Also, there's several different areas that mention similar terms, i'm fairly sure that this or one of the similar scripts i see may affect the maximum ship slots, exactly which I've yet to be certain. Has anyone else been able to read some of the stuff I've been looking at? Notepad++ or any other program for that matter, since this is mostly done on free time for me, and i have difficulty with some parts still.
heh, forgot to quote, srry Arparso (I need to quad proofread or something) fixed now.