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Messages - SoulAssassino

Pages: [1]
Multiplayer /
« on: March 30, 2009, 09:39:51 »
Indeed, you are right:)

Altough, i never liked the idea that your own OS doesn't let you destroy your own computer:P

Multiplayer /
« on: March 30, 2009, 00:20:01 »
Wellm then not DaTool, but Mularac had some problems along the course of installing New Conflicts, that's why he downgraded to Xp:) It's better to mod this whole thing in it's original 'habitat':)

General Discussion /
« on: March 30, 2009, 00:18:22 »
I stand corrected:)

I just got lost in the dream of getting this tactical gameplay fused together with the strategic gameplay of IG2. :)

General Discussion / Nexus, as it would have been...
« on: March 29, 2009, 19:04:39 »
I created this thread to have you guys know (If you don't already) that nexus started out as something much more then it became in the end.

If you know the games Imperium Galactica and Imperium Galactica 2, then you know what i'm talking about:)

Nexus was originally started out as Imperium Galactica 3 - Genesis. A mixture of tactical space combat, and strategy of huge proportions.

The original imperium galactica games looked liked this: (From Wikipedia)

Imperium Galactica II: Alliances is a PC game developed by Digital Reality, the sequel to Digital Reality's previous game, Imperium Galactica. Released in 2000, Imperium Galactica II features complete control over your empire at the onset of the game and therefore is more similar to other empire-building 4X games (eXpand, eXplore, eXploit, eXterminate) such as Master of Orion.
Gameplay – There are eight unique races involved in this game which almost all can be traded with or spied upon, a great number of buildings, ships and tanks which all can be customized with their own weaponry. The gameplay involves managing your colonies, expanding your empire, conquering enemy planets, researching, diplomacy with other races, spying, space battles, ground battles and more.
Real-time – Everything in the game happens realtime, even though you can pause the game and give out orders if you feel the need for it.
Multiplayer – The game supports multiplayer either by host or by IRC network. Every player can host their own game. The game uses port 5200 for incoming data and port 6667 for outgoing data (TCP protocol). Which means players need to enable port 5200 on their firewall to be able to host a game.
Skirmish mode – The game originally lacks a skirmish mode, but it was added with the 1.06 patch, and with the release of the 1.05 patch a mod was created to add this functionality.

So in the end, from the decision of the publisher, we only got the tactical aspect of this great game, but not the strategic part.

Here you can find a really early demo of Imperium Galactica 3, before the project became Nexus: The Jupiter Incident:)

Multiplayer /
« on: March 29, 2009, 18:53:07 »
Well there is the convenient method:
Uninstall Vista, Install XP
There is the clever method:
Uninstall Vista, Install XP
And there is the method, that in long term will save your nerves from destruction:
Uninstall Vista, Install XP.

HDD Formatting. It save my life.

Okay, to cut the jokes, unfortunately it seems that many functions of Nexus or it's mods will not work under vista. Including (i think) the DaTool made by ElFarto, or something else in the course of installing the New Conflicts mod.

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: March 18, 2009, 18:10:03 »
I'm from Hungary, and they usually work out just fine:)

Additional mirrors would be help though, because all the ones we know have stupid limitations:)

Mod Development / Released Mods /
« on: March 18, 2009, 12:32:49 »
Well, unfortunately there isn't right now:(
IT worked for me fine though. But if you give me an msn/icq contact, i could try sending you there, icq tends to be relatively fast.
Don't know about msn though.

General Discussion /
« on: March 16, 2009, 09:07:06 »
I think it would be a good idea if you continued your work with the skirmisher.

Just the stargate mod alone has about 200 regular day-to-day players, not to mention the people who drop by are around 1000 when we release something.
There is a Halo mod in production, altough it didn't go public just yet, but the author has quite many ships modeled.
OldDragon is making is Nexus: The Aurora Affair mod, which is great so far, and many of the community will love it.
So there is still community out there, and there are still a lot of people who would appreciate a new,  improved skirmisher to play their mods/nexus battles.
And the skirmisher is a very powerful tool for the players, makes our mods 100x playable, taking into account that a good mission takes a long time to script.

My ideas for it:
-The ship positioning ui would be a good idea, although i don't know if it's doable, maybe you could salvage parts of the mission editor.
-A bit more self-explanatory UI, as many people don't take the time to read the FAQ you post, or the one i write to the readme of our releases.
-The mission numbering is the thing that most people tend to frak up, and not just because the lack of reading the FAQ, i too make mistakes with that sometimes as i always forget what number i gave to my last mission. Maybe turning that into automatic would be a huge leap. (It detects what mission numbers are taken, and assigns a non-taken one automatically to the new mission)

I'll keep thinking about other useful (and sometimes crazy) things, and i'll add them to this post later, as these are the only ones that come to mind right now. I know that merging mods is unfortunately impossible as that needs a lot of copypasting of models and textures not to mention extensive edits of the tactictypes.ini

Mod Development / Released Mods / Stargate: War Begins
« on: March 16, 2009, 08:53:05 »

I'm one of the developers of the Stargate: War Begins mod for Nexus:)

Arparso, we all would like to thank you for your awesome work with the skirmisher, it helped us a lot to make a good, playable mod, and it helped our players a lot as well.

Because of the nature of Nexus, we have only developed about ten missions over the past few months, and without your skirmisher, it wouldn't be half the fun to play our mod:)

So thanks:)

And everyone is welcome to ask questions about our mod, i'll do my best to answer:)

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