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Messages - Unforgivenjagz

Pages: [1]
Not sure if i know what I'm talking about here, but maybe there is a size differential in the engine that just makes the guns target biggest object points on a ship? I donno, maybe it's a certain type of point the engine picks to target?

I doubt I've helped but maybe you can get something out of this post :O

Scripting / Re: Changing music during briefings?
« on: July 17, 2011, 08:57:14 »
Or you can somehow combine the two songs you want played into one file, and replace that one.
Just a thought :)

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: New to modding
« on: July 17, 2011, 08:42:18 »
Thanks, already started on my first mission. Although I am having some problems with the shield coding. I can get the shield to go up, although in my mission I want the ship to start with 30% or so shields. So, with Mularac's master coding, I started messing around with what he gave me.

Code: [Select]
SelectEx(s.shield & s.owner =,
To bring up the shields.

Along with:
Code: [Select];*0.4;
To bring the shields down to about 40%... Although, this doesn't seem to work, and if not commented, does not let the shields to go up.
I've tried solving this by putting it in a separate Rule, separate State, and even in a separate Machine.

I've got no clue on how to get the shields to go up and than go down to 40%.. So I think I'll just leave that until later, or if I really can't figure it out, take the maximum Integrity of the shield in use and just get 40% of that and put it in the shield up code. I've tried that and it works. But the problem with that, as Mularac pointed out, would be if the shield maximum Integrity was changed from it's current value in the tactictypes.ini to something else, the 40% would no longer be 40% of the new value.

If you guys have any comments, or suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them and try them out.
Oh and big thanks to Mularac for starting me off in scripting. Real fun :)

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: New to modding
« on: July 13, 2011, 19:15:22 »
Where do i find this Notepad++? Is it on my computer or do I have to download it? I've never heard of that and never used it :)

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: New to modding
« on: July 13, 2011, 18:16:09 »
True that, and I'll read up on the beginners guide when I get the time.
Is there anything written in there about what program i should use? Or is it all Nexus' coding, which can be found in the .ini files?


Mod Development / Released Mods / New to modding
« on: July 13, 2011, 17:56:28 »
Hey guys, I've been talking to Mularac for some time, and I find that the mod he is working on, Stargate, is something I really like. I've never done modding, or scripting in my life, I've messed around with the tactictypes.ini files before, but thats about it. Mularac redirected me here to sign up. He told me that I could ask questions to my hearts content, and my first question is: Is there anyone here willing, or capable of teaching me, some modding and scripting. I have Lightwave 10 installed, but I do not have any scripting software. Please just email me, I usually check my mail once or twice a day. I would really love to start modding/scripting and be a help to you all on this forum.

Hope to find a mentor xD,

Pages: [1]