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Messages - DreamorCZ

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General Discussion / Re: Where's the NexusWiki??!!!
« on: January 11, 2014, 20:44:37 »
I hope it is not dead. It is a really nice wiki full of info, would be shame to loose it.

You need to move "_templates" (NexusSkirmisher/) from modification package into your installed NexusSkirmisher/_templates then you should see WarBeginsSkirmisher mission type.

Off-Topic / Re: Back in the Nexus
« on: January 16, 2013, 18:33:47 »
Well, you can find most of game effects at universe/engine/efx.ini (or mod_efx.ini which adds new effects but permits original effects to be used). Third number in Start/Travel/End line at tacticstypes is the number of exact effect at efx.ini file. So, you need to take desired effect from efx.ini and then add its number to your weapon.

General Gaming / Re: Humble THQ Bundle
« on: December 11, 2012, 18:55:58 »
Same here, I have all Dawn of War games. However, it might be nice gift for someone.

General Gaming / Re: Humble THQ Bundle
« on: December 10, 2012, 22:35:13 »
They've also added Dawn of War I. Well, this getting more and more interesting.

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: ModDB - Mod of the Year 2012
« on: December 04, 2012, 17:28:13 »
I'm afraid that there are no plans at all. I might be doing some videos for SG and W40k but that strongly depends on my free time. Chakotay seems to be close to release, so that might boost modding moral for Nexus nicely, hopefully. Some huge news post promoting all mods would be surely great thing and if my English was not so crappy, I would make such post myself.

General Gaming / Re: Humble THQ Bundle
« on: December 04, 2012, 17:20:08 »
Lovely bundle, very lovely and most of all lovely games. Madness of the Saints Row The Third is needed madness... at least, for me.

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: BSG Mods all dead on Moddb!
« on: November 16, 2012, 23:28:11 »
I think, we should try to bring BSG mod back to ModDB. Battlestar Galactica : Fleet Commander for Homeworld 2 is back there and ModDB have not stopped them (yet at least). It might be worth a try to add it back there with some latest build and changed name and then wait what might happen. What do you think? Should we try to bring this incredible mod back?

EDIT: Never mind, BSG:FC has been taken down from ModDB

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: Looking for a tutorial
« on: November 09, 2012, 01:12:01 »
Example - Railgun Efx from SG:WB

at universe/engine/efx.ini (or mod_efx, if you want original Nexus efx working with your mod too)

EFX 4  // Railgun

   NoModColor /// Color will not be changed by race
      Texture 11 /// See manual about this
      Length 6 ///Self-explanatory
      Radius 12 ///Self-explanatory
      Color 1 1 1 ///Red Blue Green colors

      Index 207 208 /// From universe/engine/sounds.ini
      Level .5 ///volume


at universe/tactycstipes.ini

   Name "Railgun"
   Start 2 0 3 0.1
   Travel 2 800 4 7.2 ///Third number is the number of the effect (1st type, 2nd speed, 4th size)
   End 1 1000 5 0.5

I really recommend to go through efx part of modding manual again because efx part is quite well explained there.

Game Assets / Re: Updating planet meshes
« on: November 09, 2012, 01:03:09 »
I have finally find a way to add the night texture part, well sort of. It is quite easy solution actually. Instead of trying to make x_night properly work on the new mesh, this texture can be added as alpha channel (with inverted color) for planet's main texture. Here is working demonstration...

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: Looking for a tutorial
« on: October 23, 2012, 20:47:20 »
Try mission editor because that one displays error in almost every case.

Without error message, there are some possibilities that I can think of:
1. Not enough weapon slots for your weapons
2. Duplicate DEVICETYPE number or name
3. Missing effect for your weapon (wrong effect number/missing textur)
4. Missing weapon mesh

Check those and you might be able to find the problem.

Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: Looking for a tutorial
« on: October 23, 2012, 17:33:35 »
Well, what is it that you need to know? Basics, anything specific, errors?
Do you have modding manual? (
You can find almost everything that you need to know about weapons there.

General Discussion / Re: Nexus 2 NOW ON KICKSTARTER
« on: October 01, 2012, 23:24:16 »
Already pledged and spread the word everywhere possible.

General Discussion / Re: Nexus 2 coming to Kickstarter?
« on: September 19, 2012, 09:40:02 »
Great news, indeed. Let's not give up hopes for Nexus 2.

Multiplayer / Re: Nexus Hub (Hamachi for 256 players)
« on: October 12, 2011, 00:17:50 »
Hamachi simulates LAN connection, so use LAN gametype and you will be able to play with others in Nexus Hub then.

Multiplayer / Nexus Hub (Hamachi for 256 players)
« on: October 05, 2011, 14:37:08 »
Hello everyone

Let's join and play Nexus multiplayer again! Hamachi network for 256 players is up and running. Network ID is: 078-889-655  Pass: Nexus

However, this network is only  pre-paid for one month now and in order to keep it running for much longer your donations are needed.

Thanks for your support and have a nice playing.

General Discussion / Re: Screenshots
« on: September 13, 2011, 19:43:01 »
Using Ctrl+H will create its own 'screenshots' folder within main Nexus folder. Pictures have .bmp format.

I think, I know what you are looking for:

Absorb <num>: It charges the ship’s reserve pool with the ’num’ percent of the shots that hit the ship.

This can be added to any shipclass, so it should not be problem to add it anywhere.

General Discussion / Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« on: August 26, 2011, 18:55:37 »
Then, we should celebrate................ a little.   ;)

General Discussion / Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« on: August 25, 2011, 09:48:20 »
Yeah, almost no one knew but things are different now, much different.

Ps: Zdarec DJ Die :)

General Discussion / Re: Things to ask the devs about Nexus 2
« on: August 25, 2011, 09:43:24 »
I think, those are very good question. Source code would be great to get and don't think that is impossible. id software is going to release Doom3 source code and there are space games that released their source codes, so not impossible.

May I ask EmeraldReporter, how do you know answers on some of those questions?

General Discussion / Re: Nexus 2
« on: August 21, 2011, 15:49:56 »
Scheisse, It seems that does not work as it should. There goes the idea........ stupid system. Try anyone else to link it with his /her mod too, so we will see if that really works. Anyway, if anyone is posting any news, link it with Nexus Fan Group too. It is one of the biggest fan groups on ModDB, so we should use it to promote each other.

General Discussion / Re: Nexus 2
« on: August 21, 2011, 12:52:49 »
Arparso, could you link your news post "Nexus 2 back in development, looking for funding" with Nexus - Fan Group on ModDB? This way all modders should be able to link the news with their mods also witch would mean more support for it..

General Discussion / Re: Future of Nexus Modding
« on: August 17, 2011, 15:04:24 »
News post about major updates, articles about Nexus mods, support during MoTY2011 and later perhaps some financial help with hosting. It will be for adding promo banner under our ModDB news post and on same Nexus mod spaces at least.

We don't need to add it extremely visible here, you can just make some small area like "our partners"  for it. No need to make it popping up on every step.

General Discussion / Re: Nexus 2: Funding timeline
« on: August 17, 2011, 11:06:16 »
I have a crazy proposition for you all: What about to a big pledge as a group? You might ask why, well, reasons are simple - Bigger pledge and REVENUE SHARE. Again, you might ask why and what for. I'm certain, there are people like me that want to pledge more then €250 but they won't do it from practical reasons. Personally, I would pledge €1000 (maybe €1500) but I just won't do this because of no practical gain. If we pledge as a group, we will gain Revenue Share witch we can use for funding things as web hosting, MP ecosystem for old Nexus TJI and such things and the rest of Revenue Share would be divided to pledgers respectively.


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