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Messages - Justaman16493

Pages: [1]
Mod Development / Released Mods / Re: Removing IP Drive EFXs
« on: March 01, 2011, 12:35:51 »
thanks mularac, worked well, although im now thinking that ill give the hyperdrive a window effect but something very simple which i have actually figured out how to do already so im fine on that part, i changed my mind because it looked abit odd not having an effect, i can always change it back if i feel like it and i most likely will change my mind :) lol

thanks again mularac for the help

Mod Development / Released Mods / Removing IP Drive EFXs
« on: February 27, 2011, 09:13:43 »
hey everyone

i just wanted to know how i can remove the ip drive effects, i have been able to take away the background effect of it when the ship already has engaged the ip drive and is now on its way to a planet for example, i know how to get rid of the "boom" effect when it blasts into IP, but my question is how can you take away the charge up to IP (the blue slingshot like effect), the reason i need it removed is because star wars lightspeed looks not even slightly close to the original Nexus effect, infact engaging the hyperdrive in star wars dosent really have an effect, the ship just kinda speeds up and then disapears, i need the same thing for when the ship drops out of lightspeed, also while im here i might aswell ask because its still linked to the IP Drive, how can i stop the ship from having to rotate before it can go into lightspeed, just like how it is in Stargate War Begins, so basically i need it the same as the hyperspace drive in stargate war begins just instead of having a hyperspace window the ship disappears.

thanks in advance

i just found this topic, this is going to be very usefull for my mod star wars eternal conflicts, espically that most ships have over 100 turbolaser batteries/turrets

Scripting / Re: Changing BOUNDS
« on: February 01, 2011, 04:11:45 »
thank you, i should have joined this forum a long time ago

Scripting / Re: Changing BOUNDS
« on: January 31, 2011, 17:37:44 »
iv centred all my models now and it fixed the problem, i can even have 2 of the largest ships fight eachother without making the weapon range drastically long, as i said thanks for your help even though i ended up fixing the problem myself :)

Scripting / Re: Changing BOUNDS
« on: January 31, 2011, 13:28:37 »
i just tried to add the new model of the executor ssd to the previous version and overwrote the old model, in the old version i didnt have as much of a problem with bounds so i thought that it was worth a try and it appears that the model is the problem because the new Executor is much larger than the old one and also the bounds are much further out than the previous one, but surely there is more to it than just that the ship is larger, the gap between the back of the ship to the bounds barrier is still much larger than it should be, the distance between the back and the bounds barrier on the old one is alot shorter but isnt in "arms reach" of eachother like it should be aswell, to put into perspective of how much of a defference there is i would say that almost the whole ship of the larger version SSD could fit in the gap and on the old one only around 1/10 could fit in the gap or not even that much

EDIT - ok so i managed to make the gap alot smaller on the new ship but still there is an annoying gap which can now fit only 1/4 of the ship inside, for the moment this will have to do, i was able to change it because with all the models for the new version of the mod i made the centre of the ship to be at the back which allowed me to size the ships to the right length and ingame the middle of the ship was still the middle, the bound must of been trying to calculate the size of the ship and including the other side of the centre which made the bound sphere twice as large as it should be, if you use lightwave you might understand what i mean if not then this is a defferent way of saying it - in lightwave the ship was on the left side of the centre marker on a side on view with the ship facing left leaving the right side with nothing so it decided that the nothing side of the centre is the same length as the other side of the centre therefore making the bounds in nexus confused and using that side with nothing to add to the radius of the bounds, i still wish that the bounds were more like how the shields cover the ship though

Scripting / Re: Changing BOUNDS
« on: January 31, 2011, 12:48:34 »
i am unsure of how im going to be able to work around this, yes alot of my ships like for example a SSD are beyond large and are the accurate size camparisons to other ships and for these ships the weapons dont even get close to the bounds when infact they should be the opposite way around with the weapons having a much greater distance than the bounds, off the top of my head the only ways to get around this are to make the weapons have extremly long ranges or to maybe shrink all ship models but even then the problem most likely will occur still, hopefully you, me or someone else might stumble upon the solution, thank you Arparso for the very quick reply and although you could not give me a solution thank you for your help

Scripting / Changing BOUNDS
« on: January 31, 2011, 08:29:00 »
Hey everyone, while i was creating missions for my mod Star Wars Eternal Conflicts i noticed something odd and rather annoying, ships move around other ships at a large distance from each other which is becoming a big problem, i found out that this barrier is a ships BOUNDS, i have checked every other mod and they do not have this problem, i checked every ini file for anything that could represent BOUNDS and iv tried looking in modding guides etc but there is nothing, so my question is how can i edit BOUNDS? 

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