Nexus Skirmisher
Nexus Modding => Mod Development / Released Mods => Topic started by: Keldane on February 16, 2010, 02:44:15
The Beginner's Guide section on the Nexus Wiki is decidedly lacking (lacking to the point of not existing, actually), so I thought I'd request a little help. I've got the basics down, and I haven't the foggiest idea how to handle mission objectives and the like. If I may, I'd like to ask that someone create and break down an example mission, in which a Noah Cruiser is tasked with investigating an asteroid, then destroying a combat drone (Frigate?) that was hiding there. As a secondary objective, I'd ask that there be a "repair" Platform some distance from the asteroid, and upon moving to the Platform, a previously disabled Torpedo system be reactivated and another one installed.
Hopefully, this request is both simple and meager enough that someone would be willing to help me, and anyone else who reads it, out. Please?
shouldn't be a problem. I'll code it and post it in here, heavily commented, too.
But you should also know that Old Dragon has already written such a guide. It's located here:
EDIT: Done. I've attached the file. Note that I made the mission using arparso's Nexus Skirmisher SP settings mod.
Thanks, Murlac! Unfortunately, though, my attempts to download it have each ended in failure - my computer claims that it's not a valid file, so I can't open it. >_>
Edit: Got a more "useful" error message. Apparently the folder is empty?
Edit2: Nevermind; Winrar worked where Winzip didn't.
oh yeah, sorry for that. I compressed it with winrar, but when this site wouldn't take .rar files I simple rename it to .zip :P
Hey, I've just wrote this basic guide for mission making, using the mission I wrote as an example.
I haven't added them to the main beginner's guide, as I fear that there may be some grammar and/or spelling mistakes on my text. I did send the text trough a spellcheck in word, but those things aren't perfect....
Just a quick note to any newbies looking to start scripting,
The 'Basics Tutorial' has now been uploaded into the NexusWiki, just follow the link and choose which tutorial to read...
Basic Tutorials and Guides (http://'')