Nexus Skirmisher

Off-Topic => Off-Topic => Topic started by: EmeraldReporter on March 11, 2011, 04:44:24

Title: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: EmeraldReporter on March 11, 2011, 04:44:24
First off has any modder, community member with serious clout ever tried to band us all together?

Was that "banding together" moment supposed to be! Because I think it failed.

Anyways, what I'm getting at is, why not try it again?

2 of the 4 Major mods (BSG & Stargate) are onlookers to the Arparso Nexus Forums.

Why not bind the rest together here and have an evening chat day once every week? Via IRC, Google Talk or MSN?

                                                               -- Part 02 Edit --

On second thought, why not make a podcast for the community to listen to?

Since every other major gaming community seems to have one, why not us? I mean, we're small, but we're  still alive aren't we? I think, that if we are to make a podcast, we should have it made in multiple languages. Because really, the world doesn't just revolve around us English speakers, as much as some of us would like to believe. I'm fluent in English, and Spanish. And I'm also learning French, German, and Arabic. (Just don't count on me in participating in any of those productions :(  )

All in all, we should have it obviously in Hungarian, as it was primarily produced in Hungery. English too. German also, and maybe Spanish, only because I know of one Spanish speaker other than myself. (Mularac, eres tu.)

In hindsight, all of the major mod communities should be involved, including (and not limited to!):

*Nexus: Battlestar Galactica Mod -- Liaison -- Jstubbles -- Confirmed
*Stargate Mod: War Begins -- Liaison -- Mularac -- Confirmed
*Star Wars: Eternal Conflicts mod -- Founder -- justaman16493
*Babylon 5: Conflicts of Loyalty 2 mod -- Liaison -- DreamorCZ participation, may be pending
*Freespace: Evolution mod -- Is supposed to be our very own Arparso, but he has not responded. I believe he's taking a "wait and see" approach. And, if a badger him too much, he'll not want to participate... --
*Star Trek mod(s) -- They are all MIA --
*Nexus: War of the Dammed -- Founder --  Lt. Brandon Confirmed
*Halo: Fleet Command -- Founder -- Abysinian Confirmed
*Nexus: The Aurora Affair -- Founder -- The Old Dragon Confirmed
*Wing Commander mod -- no one as of yet --
*Nexus: EVE Mod -- Founder -- EveMod Confirmed

I'll be able to produce it, or write the script. (In English, and Spanish) But someone would have to do that for rest of world. I also think that it should have it's own blog page @, or it can be a part of, or the MODDB homepage.

I'm thinking of going all out. Putting it up on iTunes, Zune Marketplace, Stitcher, and anywhere else necessary. 

Don't get me wrong, any of you. I am committed 110% to do this.

So, who's interested!! :)
P.S. - Oh, and Mularac, on your Stargate Mod's MODDB homepage make sure to redirect your viewers here and not at a spam infested

                                        --Third, & Final Edit--

Hey guys, since this Thread has concluded what it was set out to query.

I'll have to redirect you all,210.0.html (,210.0.html) Here. To sign up for your slots, at your convenience.

Title: Re: Let's get together and chat before trying to play multiplayer...
Post by: Mularac on March 11, 2011, 11:20:01
Well, I actually use MSN for chatting, and you can find there a few of us too, like Dreamor, Old Dragon and Jstubbles :P
I think there was  a topic somewhere on this board were you could leave your msn account...
Title: Re: Let's get together and chat before trying to play multiplayer...
Post by: Arparso on March 11, 2011, 12:20:38
Indeed, there already has been a MSN thread (,93.0.html).

I don't really use separate instant messengers or chat tools... you can find and talk to me on Steam, if you want to - the account is mentioned in the MSN thread.
Title: Re: Let's get together and chat before trying to play multiplayer...
Post by: Mularac on March 12, 2011, 19:41:39
I'm totally on board with the podcast thing, it can be lots of fun, I once did one with Soul about our mod and it was great, and make one about the game in general would quite cool so yeah, you can sign me in.

If anyone wants it, my skype account is sebas_rodoni (I think skype's the best bet as to do a podcast.

However, I think we should first make a few eps in english before seeing if it would be worth it translate them into other languages...
Title: Re: Let's get together and chat before trying to play multiplayer...
Post by: Lt.Brandon on March 12, 2011, 21:49:35
A podcast might be good, I did like the one that was done for war begins, been hoping more might come actually. Though I wouldn't be able to do much unless it's English. About the only place you ever find me online is skype, it's brandon6463 if anyone wants me, though I recommend leaving me a message before adding me.
Title: Re: Let's get together and chat before trying to play multiplayer...
Post by: EmeraldReporter on March 12, 2011, 22:07:52
A podcast might be good, I did like the one that was done for war begins, been hoping more might come actually. Though I wouldn't be able to do much unless it's English. About the only place you ever find me online is skype, it's brandon6463 if anyone wants me, though I recommend leaving me a message before adding me.

What modding group will you represent?
Title: Re: Let's get together and chat before trying to play multiplayer...
Post by: Lt.Brandon on March 12, 2011, 22:13:39
Hm, I should have guessed my mod hasn't made it's way around the whole community  :P. Anyways, I be the one making War of The Damned (Found here (
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: DreamorCZ on March 13, 2011, 12:52:47
Ah, how did I missed this topic?

Podcast is surely a good thing and I'm positive about pulling it out. On ModDB we can use Nexus: TJI - Fan group and link it to as many mods as we can. I can also make translation to Czech, there is not much game fans but many are watching SG mod progress.

By the way I would not call Halo: Fleet Command and Nexus: The Aurora Affair novices. Halo is in development for some time now and Nexus:TAA is developed by one of the nexus modding living legends.
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: Lt.Brandon on March 14, 2011, 02:40:05
Oh, and shouldn't this get moved? This being a non-nexus area, I don't think something about a nexus podcast would be here  :-\

Not that I mind personally, but I foresee people missing it if it's down here.
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: EmeraldReporter on March 14, 2011, 03:58:57
How would the 18th of March work for everyone? Or the weekend of the 18th? (March)
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: Lt.Brandon on March 14, 2011, 04:06:49
How would the 18th of March work for everyone? Or the weekend of the 18th? (March)

I'll be here just about any day except for possibly being gone anywhere from the 20th to the 23rd. My birthday is on the 21st so I'll likely be gone, I'm also likely to be gone a lot in April(Lots of birthdays and places to go this time of the year).

Just to be sure, I'm in California(USA) so my timezone is -8 GMT or PST. Insure you keep that in mind, though I'm normally on anytime from 2PM to 6AM.
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: jstubbles on March 14, 2011, 08:03:47
Yeah the time thing is going to be wonky. I'm working a lot of extra hours this week. I'm also PST time zone as well (Redmond, WA. USA)
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: EveMod on March 14, 2011, 09:09:41
Good morning (for me),

I got a mail from CommanderSix so i decided to check this site.
I've been out of the modding for some time now, but seeing the community picking this up like this
just reactivated my interest.

I've given CCP more then a year to react to my mod going public and they didn't respond, so..... lets GO :)
I'll join the ride and see where it takes us.  8)

(don't have allot of time the coming month tho)

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: EmeraldReporter on March 14, 2011, 15:50:04
Good morning (for me),

I got a mail from CommanderSix so i decided to check this site.
I've been out of the modding for some time now, but seeing the community picking this up like this
just reactivated my interest.

Kind regards,

By CommanderSix, EveMod means Me.

Anyways, thanks, Mr. or Ms. EveMod. You should probably start getting into the swing of things by registering yourself @ (the de-facto modding community of the Internet.)

As well as, setting up a time. You can. Choose this months, 18th, (or its weekend.) Or April, 2-4 weeks from the initial weeks posting on the Internet. Or, even in the month of May.

Pick your poison.

Thanks, very much for your interest.
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: jstubbles on March 15, 2011, 03:57:59
I feel like the BSG mod needs to wirthdrawl from this. Sprint - you made an unjustified, unprovoked and extremely rude comment on the image that Galaxy posted on our modpage today. So much so that I had to remove it. I'm not sure why you made such a childish remark about our mod leader but I don't appreciate it.
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: Lt.Brandon on March 15, 2011, 04:13:48
Stubbles, might I ask what he said? I'd rather like to know.
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: EmeraldReporter on March 15, 2011, 04:34:45
I'll admit it, I called a (very committed, mind you) galaxy366, worthless.

I myself honestly have no vulgar feelings about galaxy366, I was just amplifying other users' opinions on the BSG Mod's production.

I don't know the guy, and i'd probably like him, If I were to ever meet him. As I was on vacation in Amsterdam, 5 years ago, and met some great people.

I even met a Nexus gamer there!

But that's not the point, the point is, that by rudely putting down galaxy, I put down the whole BSG team.   
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: DreamorCZ on March 15, 2011, 12:42:21
I agree, Sprint-One did heavily rude comment about latest BSG picture. I also see that image is not showing many new things but there is a line which a fellow moder should not cross. If this happens again with any other mods, Taurus Group will also withdraw its support to this with both mods.
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: Mularac on March 15, 2011, 19:33:52
Well, I think that the relation between Sprint-One and Galaxy is no reason enough to sabotage the podcast idea, which is indeed a good one and it could bring much more attention to our little group of modders, so I don't think we should dismiss it that easily, specially after he apologized about the incident.
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: EmeraldReporter on March 15, 2011, 19:41:58
Thanks, umm. galaxy366 accepted my apology.

And he so wishes for this podcast to continue.

So, since he's the CEO of the BSG mod, they are now back on board. Someone just has to reprisent it..

Will it be Jstubbles? Or galaxy?
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: jstubbles on March 15, 2011, 20:02:33
I'd rather represent it, if not just for my greater years of experience.
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: GeoModder on October 19, 2012, 15:40:30
Erm... is this now a spampost or not?  :o
Title: Re: Community Podcast Anyone?
Post by: Arparso on October 20, 2012, 04:03:04
Erm... is this now a spampost or not?  :o
I guess so, deleted it anyway.