Nexus Skirmisher

Nexus Modding => Mod Development / Released Mods => Topic started by: Dark-Zero on May 15, 2009, 20:34:14

Title: Ships Death
Post by: Dark-Zero on May 15, 2009, 20:34:14
The ships susually goes on Evac and thus unusable. I know how to change the ammount of health left befor it does Evac, but i want to know
How do we make the ship goes into its explosion phase as soon as the ship goes Evac (more to say skip evac, go directly boom)
Post by: The Old Dragon on May 15, 2009, 23:05:20
TacticsTypes.ini file.
Each ship class has a 'FinalTime' which states how long a ship will spend floating/spinning/exploding and generally dieing before it's big explosion.
Post by: Dark-Zero on May 16, 2009, 02:30:14
Ok maybe i shoudl rephrase,(readingmit myself and i dont get it XD)
i know how to change how much time it will take with little exlosions befor the grand boom

but what i want to do is

Instead of going Evac first, It goes into the explosion phases (Check the Mission HWere You go up agasitn MEcha at earth, lots of ship there, notice none of them goes in evac, they just explode after the 40% health left)
Post by: The Old Dragon on May 16, 2009, 10:46:25
Ahh, I think that those ships have had their escape pods disabled in the mission script, here's the entry from the mod manual about it...

EnableEvacBoats(ship, enab);
It enables/disables the little ships to fly out at the time of evacuation. Caution! If it is disabled, then the ship’s squadrons won’t try to escape, in other words, they will be lost.

Hopefully that'll be more helpfull.
Post by: Dark-Zero on May 16, 2009, 21:18:12
i dont want to get rid of the escape pods, i want the ship explode when it reach its 40%, without needing to entirly blow the ship down
Post by: Mularac on May 16, 2009, 21:53:19
it's quite easy, actually.
just add this piece of coding somewhere on the mission:

Rule event Fataldamaged

I think that should do it.